Relationship SOS: How to Rescue a Discussion That's Sinking

Popular relationship expert and author Dr. Jamie Turndorf (aka Dr. Love) outlines her simple yet highly effective relationship conflict resolution methods on AskDrLove Radio May 8th.
May 3, 2012 - PRLog -- Dr. Jamie Turndorf, the popular relationship expert known by two generations of fans as Dr. Love through her award winning Web site, will be presenting "Relationship SOS: How to Rescue a Discussion That's Sinking” on her “Ask Dr Love Radio” show on Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 at 9pm EST.

Dr. Turndorf, author and creator of the Web's most popular relationship advice site since 1996,, has taken her free advice column to live Internet Radio on On every AskDrLove Radio show, she presents her acclaimed conflict resolution and relationship communication techniques, answers recent questions submitted to, and takes questions and comments from live callers.

On this week’s show, she’ll be discussing the vital skill that happy couples practice: they steer discussions that are cycling out of control back on course and/or postpone for a later time. Unhappy couples, by contrast, don’t recognize when discussions are entering dangerous waters--meaning they’ve stopped communicating and started fighting. When this pattern continues over time, it’s hard to reverse the damage done.

“In this show,” Dr. Turndorf says, “I share my top three First Aid Tools to cool down a partner who’s losing it so you can turn your ship around. I also help you to recognize when it’s time to ‘abandon ship’ and abort mission, as well as how to re-approach your issue so that your next discussion will be successful. Join me as we sail into smoother waters on the Love Boat called Relationship SOS.”

Over the past sixteen years, Dr. Turndorf has answered thousands of relationship, dating, and sex questions on, amassing what it quite possibly the Web’s largest database of relationship advice. Of her decision to start her own radio show, she says: "I love helping people through my Web site, but I've also wanted to be able to reach out and help my audience in real time. I've done plenty of broadcast radio in the past, but with Internet Radio people can listen from anywhere they can get on the Web. And the shows are archived as Podcasts and can be listened to later. This allows me to broaden the reach of my mission and help more people foster healthy loving lasting relationships! This is my small way of contributing to making the world a better place."  

Jamie Turndorf, Ph.D. is the author of the critically acclaimed book "Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I Kill You First): A Step-By-Step Guide for Resolving Relationship Conflict" and "Make Up Don't Break Up: Dr. Love’s 5-Step Plan for Reconciling with Your Ex." Her advice has been published on the Web and in magazines nationally and worldwide, including iVillage, WebMD, Psychology Today,, Cosmopolitan, Men's health, and many others. She is often a featured consultant and expert on television and radio, having appeared on CNN, The Today Show, Fox News, Inside Edition, and more.

To find out how to overcome fighting and restore intimacy in your love life, tune in regularly to Ask Dr Love Radio at The link for this upcoming show is: AskDrLove Radio is a one hour show starting at 9pm (EST) every Tuesday night.  You can call-in from anywhere using any kind of phone, including Skype, while the number to call is published on the site's Web page and announced during the show. You can find archived shows on BlogTalkRadio and on iTunes. You can follow her at and on Twitter @ask4drlove.

Dr.Tundorf's advice and techniques will improve your love and sex life whether or not you're having problems -- but if you are -- be sure to tune in and even call in to Ask Dr Love Radio and get help from one of today's top relationship experts.
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