Mother Reports Child Abduction by Child Protection Services, Demands Investigation

Mother demands an investigation into Wilson County, NC Child Protective Services. She alleges that the CPS workers removed her children from her without signs of abuse, neglect, or prevention plans, but because she was once a troubled foster child.
May 30, 2012 - PRLog -- Nikima Wilson, of Wilson County, NC has filed a complaint with the Human Justice Coalition of Wilson, NC. She claims that the Wilson County Child Protective Services has taken all her children from her with no true findings of abuse or neglect.

"The foster care system is corrupt; they are stealing children and using them to make money. They receive cash allotments when a child is removed from the home, again when the child is adopted, then again if they can label the child with any form of mental or physical disability. They take advantage of poor vulnerable mothers who don't know their rights or have the ability to pay for a lawyer." says Ms. Wilson.

Ms. Wilson states she was raped and became pregnant with her first child at the age of 11, at the time Kathy Stone was her Case Worker, Ms. Stone repeatedly told Ms. Wilson that, she had no choice; she had to get an abortion. Ms. Wilson being 37 weeks pregnant refused, had the baby, but said this was the beginning of her lifelong nightmare. At the time it was hard to place Ms. Wilson with her child in a foster care home, so she claims, Kathy Stone devised a plan to separate the mother from her newborn to make placement easier and also to avoid costly expenses of placing mother and child in the same home. Ms. Wilson alleges that Kathy Stone removed her first child on the grounds of her being a ward of the state, therefore her child is a ward of the state and they have right to take away her parental rights and place the two in separate homes and they did.

Ms. Wilson tells of how they took her second child when she was 17 years old.  She states hours after giving birth, while still in the hospital, CPS claimed her child was in danger, with no hard evidence or reports, days after giving birth, they removed her breastfeeding child from her custody. Ms. Wilson states CPS claimed because she had once been a troubled ward of the state, she was too traumatized by the experience and mentally unable to care for her children.

She now faces losing visitation rights because she is a Christian and prays with her children during visitation. "I was simply teaching my children how to pray. It is sometimes the only thing we have to hold on to. They made a fool of me in court mocking how I was praying, they claim it is not age appropriate, and for this reason alone I am about to lose my visitation rights. It is all too much, they make it hard to live", says Ms. Wilson.

She is now demanding an investigation of Racial Discrimination, claiming this has happened to her because she is African American, poor and disadvantaged; Religious Discrimination, prayer is practicing religious beliefs, and Disability Discrimination. She wants the reunification of her children that have not already been adopted.

She states that "Yes life has been traumatic with rape, molestation, and mistreatment that you go through in the foster care system, but it did not change my heart and my ability to love and care for my children. Just because you are a ward of the state, it should not give them the right to terminate your parental and visitation rights.

Mrs. Telethia Denise Barrett, a civil rights advocate states, "Life brings many of us ups and down, in and outs, taking children from mothers should only be for true life threatening situations. Respecting different cultures, religious practices, is a must and should never be the sole reason for terminating parental rights or visitation. If simple depression or stress is good enough reason to take children, more white children would be in the system because more white women are on drugs for depression or mental stress. There is no other explanation other than the abuse of power, and new modern day acts of slavery, children are being stolen by CPS, and used as forms of monetization, the more children they take the more money the system gets, the more children adopted the more money they get, the more children labeled with disabilities the more money they make, the new form of making slaves or African Americans into modern day Visa's. Same thing for the prison system. The more they arrest the more they make, this has to be investigated as such and stopped.

The Human Justice Coalition and The NC Justice Seeker are working together advocating for Ms. Wilson. Here is a online video of Ms. Wilson telling her story.
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