New Book Release: “What To Do When There’s Too Much To Do,” By Laura Stack Drops TodayThe newest book from time management expert Laura Stack hits bookshelves today. “What To Do When There’s Too Much To Do,” Stack’s highly anticipated fifth book, explores new rules for workplace productivity in the post-2008 economy.
By: The Productivity Pro, Inc. Stack’s “Work Less, More Success” guide to time management offers a sensible approach to prioritizing tasks by conscientiously reducing time sinks and utilizing proven techniques she has developed over two decades as a productivity consultant. “Reduce, reduce, reduce,” is the mantra throughout Stack’s book. She focuses on efficiency techniques to reduce hours and increase productive habits at work. The goal is to achieve better job performance and in doing so, more time for family and personal goals. “Bosses should stop valuing an employee who works 60 hours over one who works 40, if the 40-hour-a-week employee is producing greater value," Stack says. "In today’s tight economy where employment is at a premium, supervisors are looking at results when determining value in their staff members. "The employee who is still in the office at 7:00 every night is no longer the respected “workaholic” Stack offers a six-step Productivity Workflow Formula (PWF) she developed to reduce inefficiency and organize around the tasks that really are important. The objective is to let go of those tasks that don’t matter to the employee, the organization, or the boss and instead focus attention on those tasks that do matter. Stack's practical strategies will help overworked and overwhelmed professionals evaluate the use of their time and reduce obligations, meetings, email processing, distractions, interruptions, and inefficiencies. In the book, Stack points to studies that repeatedly show that 60-hour work weeks result in a decrease in productivity. Exhaustion erodes judgment and performance, and there’s nothing productive about correcting mistakes later on. “You know you can’t work any harder,” Stack says. “If you want to accomplish greater results, you have to stop trying to do more with less, and instead do less and achieve more. "Organizations need strong leaders willing to stand up to implicit hours-based reward systems and make radical changes that embrace a focus on results, and reform their cultural reward systems.” For more information, visit The Productivity Pro website, Email, or call 303-471-7401. About the Author About Laura Stack: Laura Stack is a time management and productivity expert who has been speaking and writing about human potential and peak performance since 1992. She has implemented employee productivity improvement programs at Wal-Mart, Cisco Systems, UBS, Aramark, and Bank of America. Stack presents keynotes and seminars internationally for leaders, entrepreneurs, salespeople, and professional services firms on improving output, lowering stress, and saving time in the workplace. The president of The Productivity Pro®, Inc., a time management firm specializing in high-stress environments, Stack is the bestselling author of five books: “What To Do When There’s Too Much To Do,”; “SuperCompetent” Photos: End