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Follow on Google News | Discursive Politics - Language with a SpinA project sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund FWF has made a detailed investigation on what viewers understand and how they evaluate the statements of politicians during televised debates.
By: FWF Austrian Science Fund To date, there has hardly been any satisfactory scientific analysis of how politicians are able to establish their positions and perspectives with viewers. The demands of a methodology for comprehending the perceptual processes of potential voters appeared to be too complex. However, a recently completed project supported by the FWF formulated exactly how to do this. The three-year research conducted in the "Frame Project" traces and portrays how comprehension and perception works in the context of televised political debates through use of what are known as "interpretive frames". Discursive Politics The perceptual and comprehension processes of TV viewers can be precisely reconstructed and well understood with the help of interpretive frames. "The way we comprehend politics is acquired through social learning. The knowledge we acquire provides a ready repertoire of familiar patterns that we use to interpret new information. We construct our interpretive frames from these patterns. If the interpretational patterns of political messages do not match our interpretive frames, we perceive these as expressions of the opposing political camp and switch off our receptiveness," The Frame Project vividly shows how politicians in televised debates attempt to persuade as many viewers as possible with their messages. They ingeniously try to break through the obstructions to receptiveness of viewers less devoted to their respective party. Through a manner of speaking adapted to their audiences – especially through the use of heteroglossic interpretive frames – they try to score points among supporters of other parties. Among other examples this was demonstrated in the analysis of a television discussion held between Heinz Christian Strache of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and Eva Glawischnig of the Green Party (Grüne). According to Dr. Gotsbachner: Reinterpretation of Interpretations Detailed analysis of the discourse produced astounding results in this sample case: the conservatively- During the Frame Project, all of the televised political discussions from the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) evening news were presented to four to five groups of television viewers shortly after broadcast. In selecting these groups, special care was taken to encompass various viewer audiences with differing social and political backgrounds. Their perceptions, assessments and evaluations of the statements made during televised discussions were recorded in 23 one- to two-and-a-half hour open group discussions, processed with the help of qualitative Atlas-ti software into reference grids, and analysed in exhaustively fine detail. In this way, a new methodology for researching political perception was able to be successfully developed and tested during the FWF project. The fundamental knowledge that has been obtained represents a valuable foundation for further investigation in many scientific disciplines – from sociology to cognitive sciences and applied linguistics. Images and text available Monday, 24 September 2012, 09.00 CET at: Scientific Contact: Mag. Dr. Emo Gotsbachner Dept. of Political Science University of Vienna Universitätsstraß 1010 Vienna, Austria T +43 / (0)1 / 522 08 70 E emo.gotsbachner@ W Austrian Science Fund FWF: Mag. Stefan Bernhardt Haus der Forschung Sensengasse 1 1090 Vienna, Austria T +43 / (0)1 / 505 67 40 - 8111 E stefan.bernhardt@ W Copy Editing & Distribution: PR&D – Public Relations for Research and Education Mariannengasse 8 1090 Vienna, Austria T +43 / (0)1 / 505 70 44 E W End