Eighty-Five Poets to Create Found Poetry from Pulitzer Prize Winners During National Poetry Month

New Found Poetry Review Initiative to Generate More Than 2,500 New Poems in April
March 6, 2013 - PRLog -- Eighty-five poets from seven countries will create found poetry from the 85 Pulitzer Prize-winning works of fiction as part of Pulitzer Remix, a 2013 National Poetry Month initiative. Each poet will post one poem per day on the project’s website (www.pulitzerremix.com) during the month of April, resulting in the creation of more than 2,500 poems by the project’s conclusion.

The project is sponsored by the Found Poetry Review (www.foundpoetryreview.com), the only literary journal in print dedicated to publishing found poetry. Found poems are the literary equivalents of collages, where words, phrases and lines from existing texts are refashioned into new poems. The genre includes centos, erasure poetry, cut-up poetry and other textual combinations.

“We recognize that there are many prestigious awards recognizing the work of writers from around the world,” explained Jenni B. Baker, project creator and editor-in-chief at the Found Poetry Review. “Understanding that all lists have their shortcomings, we chose the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction list for both its length and its potential to spur new works of found poetry by our poets.”

Pulitzer Remix poets are challenged to create new works of poetry that vary in topic and theme from the original text, rather than merely regurgitating the novels in poetic form. Posted texts will take the form of blackouts, whiteouts, collages and more, and will range from structured to more experimental forms.

This is the second year the Found Poetry Review has lead a project for National Poetry Month, Last year, on the heels of a successful Kickstarter campaign, the journal enlisted volunteers to distribute 500 found poetry kits in public spaces in communities across the U.S. and abroad.

After the conclusion of Pulitzer Remix, Baker intends to seek a publisher for an edited collection of poems from the project.

“Compared to traditional poetry, very few works of found poetry ever see publication. We look forward to putting together a manuscript of the best pieces from the project in hopes that these poems will live on beyond National Poetry Month,” she concluded.

Follow the project beginning April 1 at http://www.pulitzerremix.com or on Twitter at the hashtag #pulitzerremix. Project updates can also be found on the Found Poetry Review’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/FoundPoetryReview) and Twitter profile (https://twitter.com/foundpoetryrev).  

Participating poets include Mildred Achoch, Sara Adams, E. Kristin Anderson, Cathryn Andresen, Fatimah Ashgar, Annabel Banks, Mary Bast, F.J. Bergmann, Nathalie Boisard-Beudin, Jess Bolluyt, Justin Bond, Karin Bradberry, Ed Bremson, Julie Brooks Barbour, Angela Khristin Brown, Kathy Burkett, Chris Cannella, Melissa Carl, Ann Cefola, Kislay Chauhan, Nancy Chen Long, Seth Crook, Andrea Dickens, Merridawn Duckler, Heather Holland Duncan, Martin Elwell, David Elzey, Carmine Esposito, Peter Friedman, Ed Garland, Gerburg Garmann, Jerome Gentes, Gary Glauber, Barbara Gregg, Laura Hartenberger, Deborah Hauser, Vicki Hudson,  S.E. Ingraham, Sonja Johanson, Danielle Jones-Pruett, Jen Karetnick, Charmi Keranen, William Todd King, Laurie Kolp, David Krilivsky, Allison Lee, Michael Leong, Sally Long, Christopher Luna, Joel McConvey, George McKim, Barb McMakin, Joshua Medsker, Alexa Mergen, Andrew Milewski, James Moore, Dana Perrow Moran, R.C. Neighbors, Joseph Netherly, Catherine Nichols, Sarah Nichols, Lindsay Oberst, Cari Oleskiwicz, Amanda Papenfus, Winston Plowes, Jackie Regales, Martina Robinson, Margo Roby, Christina Rothenbeck, Greg Santos, Daniel Shapiro, Patrick Seniuk, Linda Simone, Caroline Simpson, Sarah Sloat, Joel Preston Smith, Sheila Sondik, Sherry Steiner, Scott Stoller, Kara Synhorst, Robin Turner, Allyson Whipple, Neal Whitman, Theresa Williams and Patrick Williamson.
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Tags:National Poetry Month, Poetry, Literary Magazine, Literary Journal, NaPoWriMo
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Page Updated Last on: Mar 09, 2013
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