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Follow on Google News | Dr. Richard Ruhling Issues Statement Regarding Possible Megaquake And Martial Law On May 25, 2013An earthquake of biblical size and timing may initiate the scenes of Revelation on May 25. The end of freedom with military, "standing where it ought not," suggests the need for Christians to evacuate cities if they see martial law being set up
By: Dr. Richard Ruhling 1. Government agencies. The science of seismology is not well-developed. Predictability by the US Dept of Interior and their geoglogic offices is not significant. FEMA is more helpful with --Be Informed; Have a Plan; Make a Calamity Kit. You haven't done it? Now's a good time. FEMA bought 140 million meals for their May, 2012 drill on the New Madrid Fault. It may be overdue for a big one, and maybe FEMA knows something we don't. There seems to be a connection between calamities and government drills A. Oklahoma City Murrah Bldg had the records of the Branch Davidians who burned alive in Waco, TX. The evidence was blown up on the 2nd anniversary, 1995. The BATF had a drill the day before Timothy McVeigh activated a fertilizer bomb out front. Patriots examining the scene found explosives attached to supporting columns that failed to go off, or the whole building would have come down. B. World Trade Center, NORAD drill on September 10, 2001 C. Haiti's Earthquake, SOUTHCOM drill then. D. Sandy Hook Drill CT Dept of Emergency Services & Public Protection with FEMA E. Boston Marathon 2. Patriot sources. Alex Jones urged his listeners on July 25, 2001 to call the White House to cancel plans for a "false flag" terrorist event. 9-11 and other events have given Jones credibility, but he doesn't seem to know the nature and timing of the next event. 3. Nostradamus. The occult sources of information are forbidden in Scripture but one researcher cited Nostradamus: 4. Ellen White. Seventh-day Adventist founder and visionary saw church leaders in apostasy and risking judgments that would come in end-times. Visiting New York City, in vision she saw tall buildings "warranted to be fire-proof...These buildings were consumed as if made of pitch. The fire engines could do nothing to stay the blaze." Oddly, her description of 9/11 was published in Vol 9, pg 11-13 of Testimonies for the Church in 1909. Earthquake. Visiting the medical school in Loma Linda, California that she founded, Ellen White had a vision of an earthquake: "Many lives were blotted out...It seemed that...Judgment day had come." She cited Zephaniah 1:8 for future punishment by God "in the day of the Lord's sacrifice" (Passover). ibid, pgs 92-95. Reminiscent of her 9-11 vision published in Vol 9, pgs 11-13, the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath Lesson for May 25 is titled "The Day of the Lord" and it focuses on Zephaniah's "Day of Doom,"-- the same passages that Ellen White cited in her earthquake vision at Loma Linda. But the earthquake may affect much more than Loma Linda. 5. The Bible shines as a basis of integrating all the above information as follows: Bible imagery supports May 25 for possible judgment, "as in the days of Noah" when the Flood had Passover timing, but in the 2nd spring month. This year it's May 25. Maybe it's a coincidence, but as Adventists celebrate their 150th anniversary on May 21, it will be the 10th day from the new moon day on May 11/12--the same day Noah entered the ark as some gathered outside to celebrate, Genesis 7:4,11. The disciples were probably thinking of Passover for when God executes judgment when Christ said, "You don't know [understand] Israelites traveled in the spring, but if they went to a far country and couldn't get back to Jerusalem for Passover, they were to keep it a month later, Numbers 9:10,11. Christ said the law was in effect "till heaven and earth pass." His return for a time of judgment could fit His sayings better than we've understood, due to translation of speech idioms. 2nd Passover (full moon) falls on Friday night/Saturday (May 24/25) and "watching" (being awake and praying that God will pass over us) is protective, says Ruhling, (Matt 24:43; Revelation 3:3) Several recent geopolitical events have occurred on Jewish feast days, according to Ruhliing, including the U.S. Senate's approval for $760 billion in bank bailout on October 1, 2008. The new moon was in the sky that night--it was the Feast of Trumpets when anciently they blew trumpets for 10 days till the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. Leviticus 23:24-27. In 2008, the stock market crashed for 10 days. Ruhling believes that if the earthquake occurs with martial law being set up, Christians should evacuate according to the warning by Christ about military "standing where it ought not" in Mark 13:14. Readers may visit Ruhling's website for more information at Profile: Dr. Richard Ruhling is the author of 'Apocalypse 2013: How To Survive The Fall Of America' available at his website below and Kindle. ‘The Bridegroom Comes’ and ‘Why You Shouldn’t Ask Your Doctor - Choices That Can Save Your Life’, are also available on his websites and Amazon. Dr. Ruhling is available for media interview and can be reached using the information below, or by email at End