Secrets to Landing Paid Corporate Speaking Opportunities Revealed in Free Teleclass July 18

Entrepreneur mentor, Angelique Rewers, known by many as The Corporate Agent, reveals how small business owners and self-employeed professionals can grow their income and impact by adding paid speaking and training opportunities to their revenue mix, quickly and easily.
BALTIMORE - July 10, 2013 - PRLog -- Coaches, consultants, speakers, trainers and other self-employed professionals know that Fortune 500 and other large companies are coveted clients because they pay higher fees and are often the most loyal customers.

Many of these same small business owners, however, see this over $8.3 trillion dollar corporate marketplace as being out of reach to them — largely because they aren’t sure how to effectively approach and land corporate clients.

But it doesn’t have to be that way, according entrepreneur mentor, Angelique Rewers, who is known by many as “The Corporate Agent.”

“One of the best ways to break into corporate clients and easily add significant revenue to your small business is by offering speaking and training services to large, mid-size and even smaller companies,” said Angelique Rewers, CEO and founder of The Corporate Agent. “These types of paid speaking opportunities can range from 90-minute workshops to keynotes to full-day seminars to even off-site, multi-day retreats. That means that paid speaking is also one of the best ways to create leveraged income and move away from ‘dollars-for-hours’ work.”

“Not only that, but in today’s market, when companies are more focused than ever before on things like work-life balance, health and wellness, and even creativity and innovation in the workplace, the door has swung wide open when it comes to the types of speakers and trainers companies are looking for,” added Rewers.

To help small business owners and entrepreneurs win corporate clients, Rewers is hosting a free teleseminar “How to Quickly & Easily Add an Extra 6-Figures (or More) a Year to Your Business By Speaking to Corporate Audiences,” on Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time.

When you sign up at, you will learn how to land paid speaking and training opportunities with companies, as well as:  

•       How to take each topic you can teach or talk about and turn it into 7 separate streams of income

•       The No. 1 most powerful positioning secret to make you stand out from the crowd and be the one corporate decision makers buy from… instantly!

•       9 simple “up-sells” you can offer to maximize the profitability of every speaking opportunity

•       What you can charge these days for the most common types of speaking opportunities (Heads up! I’ll be sharing SPECIFIC numbers.)

•       How to implement my personal time-tested, wash-rinse-repeat formula to getting your foot in the door with lucrative clients that has delivered hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue to my business and even more to my clients’ businesses!

To register for the complimentary teleseminar, go to:

About Angelique Rewers, ABC, APR – “The Corporate Agent™”

Harnessing her 15+ years of award-winning work with global corporations, Angelique teaches entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals how to stop chasing cash-strapped clients and instead land lucrative corporate contracts. Having successfully navigated the corporate buying process from both sides of the table, Angelique's “insider” secrets and strategies make this $8.3 trillion market more accessible to all. Learn more at:  

Angelique is also the creator of the groundbreaking global entrepreneur conference, INSIDE EDGE.  Bringing hundreds of serious small business owners face-to-face with corporate decision makers, INSIDE EDGE teaches entrepreneurs how to grow their small businesses quickly to the next level of success by tapping into the Big Business market and landing higher paying clients. Leaders from IBM, Microsoft, AstraZeneca, Booz Allen Hamilton, Marriott, Deloitte, PayPal, ASTD, and Supplier Connection participated in INSIDE EDGE 2013. Discover more at:

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