SWTOR Companion Gift Guide - Max Out Affection for All Companions

Learning how to please all of your companions in SWTOR can be challenging. But with a gift guide with every item possible for each companion you can easily max out your affection rating with all SWTOR companions. Learn more here.
By: SWTORplayers
NEW YORK - July 12, 2013 - PRLog -- Gaining the affection of your loyal companions in Star Wars the Old Republic is often no easy task. It’s actually a very complicated process and if you don’t know EXACTLY what to do it can send your head for a spin. No matter, though. We’ve compiled this exhaustive gift guide for you to progress through affection levels for any SWTOR companions you may be working with. Let’s get started.

Why Make Companions Like You?
Many people often ask what the point of obtaining affection points is. And this is a valid question. Leveling up your affection with your companions provides a few benefits. First, you’ll spark up new conversations which can lead to you learning about new locations and items. Secondly, you can also initiate new quest lines simply by making your companion like you. Lastly, you’ll get to learn some pretty nifty history behind your companions that is well worth listening to. You and your companions can even become lovers if they are romanceable.

Need more help? Get a guide to everything from companions to leveling and beyond here >> http://swtorlevelingguidehub.com/swtor-leveling-guide-reviews-best-guides-revealed/

Levels of Affection

As of right now there are a total of 5 affection levels in SWTOR. Each rank requires about 2000 points before being able to proceed to the next highest rank. You will also be required to use gifts of higher rank levels as you progress through each affection level. Here is a short breakdown of the levels you can achieve:

Affection Level        |        Gift Rank Required

1 (0-1,999)          Rank 1 or Better

2 (2,000-3,999)          Rank 2 or Better

3 (4,000-5,999)          Rank 3 or Better

4 (6,000-7,999)          Rank 4 or Better

5 (8,000-9,999)          Rank 5 or Better

OldRepublic.net recently published a very useful gift comparison chart to help players better understand which gifts are required to level the affection of all companions in the game. The charts are provided below. The first is the charted guide for the Empire classes (Imperial Agent, Bounty Hunter, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor) and the second is the companion gift guide for the Republic classes (Smuggler, Trooper, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular). Both charts also include the appropriate gift information for ship droids which recently acquired affection progressions after the 1.2 patch.

NOTE: The total number of affection points you can acquire from gifts increases along with the value of the gift item. So, a 500 credit item will obviously provide more points than a 250 credit gift. Keep that in mind when progressing through the affection levels. If you can afford to purchase more expensive gifts, do it. You’ll reach the higher affection ranks much faster this way.

NOTE 2: Gifts are also categorized according to their rarity. This is done with a color coded system. Green gifts are the most common and won’t yield many points. Blue are a bit more uncommon and provide 50% more affection points than green coded items. Purple gifts are the cream of the crop (quite rare) and provide 100% more affection points than green coded gifts. Green gifts can be purchased nearly anywhere including traditional vendors. Blue and purple colored gifts, on the other hand, are typically acquired while completing missions. Being rewarded with purple gifts is still rare even in missions, though. So when you finally find one, treasure it.


In conclusion, to obtain the most affection points possible make sure you pair up gifts to the companions who love them. Also, if you can, provide more expensive gifts to your companions. Giving your companions their absolute favorite gifts that are worth a decent monetary value will quickly and effectively level your affection. Try sticking to blue and purple coded gifts. As you progress through affection levels the lower rank gifts will give you less and less points.

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Tags:Swtor Companion Guide, Swtor Companions, Companion Gift Guide
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