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Follow on Google News | JPods Capable of Saving Families A Car Payment Per Month!JPods, Inc. is empowering families to become economically competitive while helping to save the environment. JPods offers a non-government alternative transportation option to the public.
By: Helene Vece JPods networks are a modern PRT, or PodCar network. Ultra-light vehicles carry people and cargo on-demand using 1/10th the energy of cars, passenger-trains and buses. Solar collectors mounted over the rails gather enough energy to power the networks. JPods will create the Physical-Internet™ “We can solve congestion, cut oil use by half, end America’s dependence on imported oil, and, substantially solve environmental defects simply by restoring transportation to free markets, ” said Bill James, CEO of JPods, Inc. “Under Federal central planning of communications we had a century of rotary telephones. Restoring free markets in 1982 resulted in millions of jobs, vast wealth creation and better services at lower cost. When transportation is restored to free markets we will stop moving a ton to move a person. Like the Internet, networks will start in niches where 90% of current costs can be recovered as profits and to pay to build the networks. Families with access to these networks can save a car payment per month.” JPods is reaching out to the local media national media resources who cover environmental issues. “Governments strive for consistency. Innovation is disruptive, a consistency failure. Under the Federal transportation monopoly we get ever more of what is failing: more congestion, more pollution, more environmental risks from fracking, more oil-wars, more Climate Change. My hope is the press will cover why the Constitution limits Federal taxing to ‘post Roads’, how privately funded JPods networks can be powered within a solar budget. We will start building in Secaucus, NJ in 2014” finished James. Members of the media and influential bloggers are being invited to speak with Bill James about JPods. Mr. James is available for via email, Skype , phone and in-person interviews. Additionally, television stations may display a mini-prototype of the JPod and speak with Mr. James about the political, environmental and economical impact this landmark move by the city will have on the world! ### About: JPod's concept is to design, build and operate on-demand and computerized PRT networks that can be solar-powered. The company was started in 1999 and operates under private ownership. In 2006, a 20 foot operational demonstration was deployed in San Jose, CA. JPods has existing Letters of Interest for potential PRT networks including customers such as Anshan, China; Kunming, China; Linyi, China; and Secaucus, New Jersey. Media Manager Helene Vece of 702-749-5925 End
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