First Orthodox Christian Church in the State of New York Celebrates 120th AnniversarySaints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church located in the Lovejoy district of Buffalo, NY will celebrate 120th Anniversary on September 27-28, 2014. Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church is a part of the Orthodox Church in America and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey.
By: Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church The current church community began on April 1, 1894 when eight men established an organization name "Saints Peter and Paul Greek Catholic Russian Orthodox Church Association" Just like the city of Buffalo, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church has experienced many peaks and valleys over the course of last 120 years. The parish was able to erect a magnificent new church building in the middle of Great Depression. It later experienced the heights of its membership in the years following the Second World War due in large part to the influx of immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. "One hundred twenty years is long time for any Church in the United States" - said Father Volodymyr Zablotskyy, the current Pastor/Rector at Sts. Peter and Paul, "There is no question in my mind that our church almost mirrors the history of Buffalo with its ebb and flow moments." In the last few years Sts. Peter and Paul Church seems to be experiencing a slow, but positive growth cycle, again. "I attributed this upswing to the vision from the leadership of our Diocese of New York and New Jersey (Orthodox Church of America), in particular to His Grace Bishop Michael (Dahulich). Building up and supporting small parishes like ours is his priority.”, added Father Zablotskyy. In recent years Sts. Peter and Paul Church has reach out to the community by offering a Soup Kitchen twice a month along with Holiday Food and Clothing Drives. The parish family of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church is looking forward to welcoming many parishioners, friends and neighbours to the celebration. For detailed program of the events you can visit the following page on the official website of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Buffalo, NY: Media Contact Fr. Vlad Zablotskyy *** (716) 893 0044 Photos: End