Cheryl Farley Launches Type 2 Diabetes Reversal ProgramCheryl Farley Wellness is a proven health recovery program that can reverse the symptoms of diabetes in 10 days and provide a lifetime of wellness through nutritional diets, exercise, and personalized support.
By: Cheryl Farley Wellness, LLC In addition to the Cheryl Farley Meal Plan, there are two additional components which differentiate this from all other meal plans: 1. Exercise Programs appropriate to people with type 2 diabetes. 2. Personal Coaching Support which helps patients to achieve a much higher success rate. Cheryl Farley is pleased to offer three levels of Membership in her health recovery program for people with type 2 diabetes: Silver Membership, just $9.99 / month after a $30 sign-up free. Includes downloadable copies of the "Diabetes Solutions" book by Dr. Timothy Howe and the "10 Day Meal Plan" book by Cheryl Farley. In addition, members receive additional recipes regularly as well as Newsletters from Dr. Howe and Cheryl Farley. Gold Membership, $299/year. This membership includes everything in Silver, plus hard copy books, Cheryl's "Nutrispice, on line access to a full set of cooking videos - one for each recipe, Dr. Howe's videos describing diabetes and how the body benefits from healthy diet and exercise, as well as exercise videos by Cheryl, and full access to the Community Forum. Platinum Membership, $699/year. This offers everything in Gold, but with the addition of 1 on 1 coaching throughout the year, a personal introductory call from Cheryl, and access to regular webinars. A 60 second video shows the dramatic improvements which can be achieved in a very short time: End
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