Congressional Mandate-Orthorhombic Sulfur/S8-ASTM-Chinese Drywall-Who's Giving Guidance??-Anybody LISTENING ??

Congressional Mandate requires ASTM provide a STANDARD to measure and define acceptable levels of sulfur content in drywall or gypsum boards to solve future problems with tainted corrosive drywall, imported or domestically manufactured, sold in the United States. Sounds like our Congressmen are really working hard for the American Public or Consumers, but with a little homework or research it becomes obvious somebody has failed to do their homework and research including the C-11 ASTM Committee.
SARASOTA, Fla. - Aug. 21, 2014 - PRLog -- First a little history about this complex subject of "corrosive out-gassing vapors" that are emitted from "tainted drywall" or as it is commonly known or called ... Chinese Drywall.

Michael S. Foreman with the "Forensic Construction Consulting" firm Foreman and Associates, Inc has asked one simple question every time someone starts talking or flexing their muscles about their knowledge level, expertise, educational background, or who and why our clients or any consumers should trust what they recommend, specify, promote, sell, or endorse.

What specifically is causing the tainted drywall, gypsum boards, or Chinese drywall, corrosive and caustic out-gassing vapors ?

With all the Government research and money spent to-date (MILLIONS), not one person, agency, laboratory, or institution can answer that one simple question ...

Now Congress has decided to get involved ...

Congressional Mandate or Drywall Safety Act - January 2013.

Drywall Safety Act requires ASTM establish a STANDARD that defines and limits levels of "SULFUR" in what is commonly known or called "DRYWALL"

With that thought in mind and the Congressional Mandate time-frame of twenty-four (24) months, ASTM C-11 Committee has decided to move forward with one (1) specific type of sulfur, "Orthorhombic" or S8.

This all sounds and looks good except for one small fact that has been overlooked, or should I say ... avoided !!!

"Orthorhombic or S8" type sulfur NOT CONFIRMED or VALIDATED as source of out-gassing or a "marker" for "tainted corrosive drywall" !!!

Simply stated, "Orthorhombic" or "S8 Sulfur" elements or compounds have not been found to "out-gas" in real world field conditions (houses, condominiums, commercial properties) at the same levels or even close to known and confirmed tainted corrosive Chinese drywall affected or infected structures based on the CPSC commissioned testing, performed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

Simply stated further, the heat required for "Orthorhombic" or "S8 Sulfur" to out-gas DOES NOT EXIST in field conditions of your average residential or commercial structure.

Yes, I'm sure under extreme heat and other specific laboratory conditions these elements or compounds may or can "out-gas", but we are talking about laboratory conditions that DO NOT occur in your typical residential or commercial type property.

With that little detail and information, I have to ask ...

Why limit or even establish a Standard for an element or compound that has NOT been confirmed and validated with customary testing, documentation, validation, and peer reviews ???

I and others on the C-11 Committee have been told by the "powers to be" that will come later or be confirmed in the future, even though existing and known LBNL testing confirms and validates NO CONCRETE DOCUMENTED CORRELATION of "Orthorhombic" or "S8 Sulfur" exists concerning "tainted corrosive drywall" ... PERIOD !!!

Just as a point of reference ...

Foreman and Associates suggested months ago and even before the Congressional Mandate or Drywall Safety Act - January 2013, an ASTM Standard establishing acceptable levels of "corrosive out-gassing" based on acceptable levels of corrosion on numerous metal components used or installed on structures, appliances, and other building or consumer products, would make a lot more sense on numerous levels and also cover more than just Chinese drywall related issues.

For more information on any of these subjects ...

Call or e-mail anytime.

Thank you for your interest and I can only hope ASTM and Congress see the error of their ways or explain the reasons that support their chosen course of actions or path, to NOT establish a correct Standard associated with corrosion or "corrosive out-gassing vapors" that occur on numerous construction and consumer products, not just tainted corrosive drywall.

Michael S. Foreman, President

Foreman and Associates, Inc.

"Forensic Construction Consultants"

Michael S. Foreman

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