Young Woman Rebuilds Life After Childhood Sexual Abuse

MY JOURNEY TO FREEDOM Making the Choice to Rebuild My Life After Sexual Abuse By Saterria Springer Norah
By: Atiyaslight Publishing
JACKSON, Wyo. - April 14, 2015 - PRLog -- Abuse of any kind is a violation of body, mind, and soul. To overcome it and get to the point of living life fully takes tenacity, willpower, determination, and above all courage. Author Saterria Springer Norah exhibits profound bravery and strength of purpose as she shares her encounters with sexual, emotional, mental, and verbal abuse and the impact it has on a person’s life in the newly released book, My Journey to Freedom.

Though it is an account of one woman’s story of abuse, the nonfiction narrative’s main focus is on taking back the control of your own life and triumphing and persevering over the limiting belief systems that form, the impact of stolen innocence, and the crippling devastation of low self-esteem and self-worth.

“As we all are on our own personal journeys of freedom in some area of our lives, I found My Journey to Freedom to be real and inspiring. I believe it will be a great read for all,” explains editor Le Shaundra Muhammad.

Twenty-eight year old, Wilmington, North Carolina born Saterria Springer Norah spent years covering up what happened to her when she was just 8-years old. Instead, she focused on presenting whatever persona was acceptable to those she interfaced with and to cope with her own pain spent much of her time working with children and volunteering with schools and other programs that provided services to youth. She also founded Little Gods Academy home school, which she has been operating for the past seven years and a support group for women as a way to help support, encourage, motivate, and lift them up.

While she was doing great things in the community, as well as helping others, Saterria soon realized that the only way to really be effective in her work was to remove the dark cloud hanging over her life. She decided it was time to tell her story. Therefore, in My Journey to Freedom, Saterria steps from behind the veil of shame to take a big step on her road to recovery and the rebuilding of her life.

Please visit, for more information about the book.

Source:Atiyaslight Publishing
Tags:Atiyaslight Publishing, My Journey To Freedom, New Author, Amazon Best Seller, Amazon Books
Industry:Books, Family
Location:Jackson - Wyoming - United States
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