Foreclosure Attorneys That Sue Lenders for Dual Tracking to Stop ForeclosureFor those borrowers who have received a Notice of Trustee Sale or Notice of Default from their lender, stopping a foreclosure is still possible. With the California foreclosure laws, stopping a wrongful foreclosure can be done through litigation and bankruptcy. Foreclosure attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group have successfully saved hundreds of homes from foreclosure.
The foreclosure attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group have successfully saved hundreds of homes from foreclosure. It doesn’t just stop at that; they have helped many borrowers to do the following: - Lower mortgage payments - Get rid of the second mortgage - Lower their principal balances - Eliminate past balances due to the lender - Keep their cars, homes, and other property while eliminating debt - Save homes from foreclosure within 1 hour of the time of sale - Stop the foreclosure date altogether with a court order How to Stop Foreclosure With several years in of experience in this area, Consumer Action Law Group has become the premier law firm for stopping foreclosures and giving consumers free legal advice how to stop foreclosure. Better still, their foreclosure lawyers always move very quickly to ensure that homeowners do not lose their home in foreclosure. When clients inform them about a notice of foreclosure, they act very quickly and immediately seek protection in court. Their foreclosure lawyers stop wrongful foreclosure by filing suit against the lender to protect their client’s property. The California foreclosure laws are very protective to borrowers. Lauren Rode, a senior attorney with Consumer Action Law Group stated, “No one should lose their home to foreclosure because they defaulted on payments for a temporary hardship. Often times, borrowers fall behind on their mortgage payments because of unforeseen financial difficulties which resulted in getting a foreclosure notice.” Anyone who has missed their mortgage payment due to financial hardship has the opportunity to catch up, call the foreclosure attorney at Consumer Action Law Group for immediate help. Borrowers can also apply for a loan modification directly with the lender for a more affordable payment. However, in the case of dual tracking – moving forward with the foreclosure process while reviewing documents for a loan modification, this is illegal and a lawsuit can be filed. Anyone who has experienced foreclosure due to dual tracking should immediately contact the foreclosure attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group. The foreclosure lawyers at Consumer Action Law Group seek immediate protection from the court to stop foreclosure. According to Lauren Rode, one of the foreclosure attorneys of Consumer Action Law Group: “In many cases, as soon as the lender denies the homeowner’s application for the loan modification, they will move forward with the foreclosure, and we can help.” For immediate foreclosure defense, call (818) 254-8413. Consumer Action Law Group law firm is open from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM, Monday through Friday. For more information about their services, visit Contact Consumer Action Law Group *** Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: Apr 23, 2015