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Follow on Google News | Muslims For Progressive Values Accuses Act For America of Supporting Islamist AgendaWhile ACT has framed their #MarchAgainstSharia as supporting women's rights, they are in fact legitimizing the man-made Islamists' radical interpretation of Islam as "truth" when they talk about Sharia law. As a faith-based human rights organization, MPV has been battling these false "truths" starting from individuals and going all the way up to the global policy level. At the United Nations, MPV challenges the gender-based violence of many Muslim-majority countries in the name of these man-made Islamist Sharia laws that have corrupted and bastardized the true teachings of the Quran. In America, MPV and many women's rights organizations have been advocating for legislators to set the state and federal age of marriage for girls at 18 years old; for the criminalization of forced and child marriages; and against Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM/C). MPV President Ani Zonneveld has pointed out, "This is not a 'Muslim' issue, but cuts across all cultures including rural Christian White America." Islamists globally would be applauding the coupling of Sharia law and the abuse of women and girls' rights. By promoting the Islamists' agenda, ACT for America has again proven themselves to be working with our enemies and acting against America. We encourage those in opposition to this #MarchAgainstSharia not to demonstrate as that would legitimize the Islamist and ACT for America's version of Sharia law, and the preposterous claim that it holds any legal standing in any court in America. Sharia law is obsolete in America. For a counter point about Sharia law, we invite you to submit your questions to Ani Zonneveld for a June 14th interview titled ""Is Sharia Law Still Relevant?" on WATERtalk Contact Jordan Elgrably, Communications Manager, MPVis a faith-based, grassroots, international human rights NGO that embodies and advocates for the traditional Qur'anic values of social justice and equality for all for the 21st century. As a progressive Muslim voice, MPV participates in civil discourse, engages with the media and government entities, and partners with both Muslim and non-Muslim progressive organizations. For women's rights issues, visit End
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