How to Teach your Child Great Dental Habits

The sooner you start teaching dental hygiene to your children, the sooner they will develop positive habits that will stick with them for a lifetime.
LEWES, Del. - Jan. 24, 2018 - PRLog -- The sooner you start teaching dental hygiene to your children, the sooner they will develop positive habits that will stick with them for a lifetime. It is never too early to start taking your child's oral hygiene seriously. Prevent the condition known as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay by gently wiping your baby's gums with a clean gauze pad as early as a few days after birth. Once teeth begin to erupt through the gums, brush your infant's teeth with a child-sized toothbrush and water. You should also avoid giving very young children sugary beverages that can harm developing teeth. We have some child dental tips that will help to make daily dental care much more enjoyable.

The basics of good dental hygiene

·       Create morning and bedtime routines that include adults and kids brushing teeth together.

·       Have contests with them. Your children may enjoy contests like who can create more bubbles when they brush or who can spit toothpaste suds closer to the drain.

·       Let your child watch you floss, and then floss their teeth.

·       Allow them to practice flossing on plastic teeth.

·       Your child may enjoy swishing water in their mouth and spitting it out after meals.

Child dental tips to get them brushing

1.     Buy them a toothbrush which they like

Let your child to select their first toothbrush, making certain they choose a child's soft-bristled toothbrush. Most children look forward to brushing with a toothbrush that is their favorite color or adorned with their favorite character. Let them select at their own but you must see that it should be soft toothbrush.

1.     Make a game out of brushing

Teaching children about kids' dental health can be more fun when siblings help parents teach good dental habits. If your child has a brother or sister who already knows about dental tips for kids, let your older child help educate your younger one. A younger child can become interested in teeth care when they watch their older sibling do it.

2.     Speaking of rewards

It's not like that you are paying them money for brushing or flossing. Tell them that if they will brush their teeth properly they will be given extra time for playing. We will go for outing or they can spend leisure time on video games etc.

3.     Tell them stories, create fun

Invent fun contests. Challenge your kids on who can create more bubbles while brushing or who can spit the toothpaste suds closer to the drain. These fun competitions will create interest in an activity that's often rushed or forgotten about after a long day. Kids will enjoy brushing and flossing their teeth more if it's entertaining. For example, you could invent short stories while you're all brushing your teeth. Or, find a two-minute song that you can sing while brushing your teeth. If children connect proper oral shygiene with fun, it'll be a better experience for them.

4.     Brush your teeth together

Kids learn through observation, so one of the most effective ways of teaching them good oral hygiene is for parents to practice it. Children emulate parents' behaviors, and watching you brush and floss every night will instill the importance of these habits. Apart from promoting good dental health, observing parents gives children a sense of maturity, responsibility and independence.

Teaching a child to care for their teeth is no easy task, but it beats the anxiety of a preventable dentist visit. Just remember that teaching through encouragement is much better than instilling fear. If a child associates oral care with threats or fear of going to the dentist, it's less likely that they'll develop adverse feelings toward brushing and flossing.

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