Somali Cafe in St. Cloud, MN, USA.

Somali Cafe is located in st. Cloud minnesota, United States. It is really a nice cafe where you get all sorts of East African foods.
By: Ahmed Said
May 14, 2007 - PRLog -- Somali Cafe is located in st. Cloud MN, USA. It is is a nice cafe offering a variety of Somali foods. Somali Cafe has been open for two years now. It becomes more popular day by day not even with the Somalis living in st. cloud, but also woth non-Somalis.

In the Cafe,  various foods from goat meat to rice are available. Somali Cafe is very, very nice cafe where when you visit one time, you will keep coming to. Please come to enjoy this delious foods at Somali cafe.

The Cafe offers very, very nice food which you cannot get anywhere else.
Source:Ahmed Said
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