Finding Discount Sports Tickets is not that Hard!

In this age of hiking up prices of tickets for sporting events, it is becoming increasingly hard to find reasonably priced tickets. In fact, the gap is closing rapidly on who can afford tickets these days. But there is hope...
Oct. 21, 2007 - PRLog -- I have seen, time and time again, people asking for tickets to their favorite sporting events for a cheaper price than what is available. They have even gone to great lengths for them--trading something else of value for the tickets...begging online for some "kind soul" to give them sob stories so that people will feel sorry for them and give them tickets. I have even read a few posts where people were actually blaming ticket brokers for the higher priced tickets.

While there are some unscrupulous people who hike up the price over and above the face value by hundreds of dollars, most people are not doing this, but are getting lumped all together with the people that are. So, I would like to set the record straight on what is really happening, what the laws are, and then show you a place where you can get discount tickets.

First of all, I want to say who I am NOT talking about here. I am NOT talking about those who would raise prices hundreds of dollars above the face value of the ticket. This is illegal, and you will see in a moment why people are not allowed to do that. I am also not talking about individuals who, for some reason or another, had the tickets but were unable to go and are now seliing them on the cheap because they want to recoup at least some of their money. These are not the people I am referring to.

Now here is what is happening. Yes, people will buy up several tickets at a time at face value. Or they will talk with people who have extra tickets, buy them and resell them. They are known as Ticket Brokers. Ticket Brokers are those people who are in business to make money. This isn't evil, nor immoral. Why do you have a job? To make that evil?

What is a ticket broker? "A broker in the general sense means "One that acts as an agent for others, as in negotiating contracts, purchases, or sales in return for a fee or commission." In the world of tickets this definition also applies. A ticket broker purchases tickets from the primary ticket holder and re-sells those tickets to customers for a fee." (Ticket Liquidator) So, this is a business that provides a valuable service to you, the customer.

"Demand for many popular performers is so high that tickets sell out quickly, and even ticket brokers can end up paying more than face price for the tickets they buy. Still, not all tickets held by brokers sell for above face value."

Ticket sales can be a touch and go kind of thing, and if ticket brokers are not getting tickets at face value, how then can the average consumer get them at face value? A very interesting situation, indeed...

But what are the laws concerning ticket sales? While the laws may differ slightly from state to state, they all have one thing in common, and that is that people cannot sell tickets for more than 5% above the face value of any ticket. Selling for more than this can get people in trouble, and does not bode well for their reputations.

So where can you go to get discount tickets without having to wait in a virtual line for places such as Ticketmaster, and risk having unscrupulous people using software blocking you from getting tickets? First of all, many of the popular online ticket brokers tend to sell tickets for more than 5% above face value--which is in violation of the law. There is one site that I found that are not doing this to their customers, and in fact, I have found tickets for 1/3 the price that Ticketmaster was selling tickets for. Exact same game...exact seating 3 times the price! Plus, they wanted to charge a "convenience charge" for the tickets. What? How is that any better than selling the tickets for a few dollars more than face value, and then not having any extra charges?

The site name is Time 4 Sports Tix. They really have discount tickets...for example, the Vikings-Eagles game in Minneapolis on the 28th of October, 2007--seats are going for as little as $14 per ticket on their site, versus $50 per ticket in the same area on Ticketmaster! How is that saving you money? Ticket Brokers get a bad rap--but no one ever thinks to comparison shop...check out the deals for yourself. Time 4 Sports Tix--at your service always!


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