Taking Back America – This Is My Country!

It is time the people recognized that the Bill of Rights also requires Responsibility to work to protect those rights. The author identifies the People's Agenda for Change that must be addressed by presidential candidates.
By: Jordan Christopher, Ivy Hollow Media
March 25, 2008 - PRLog -- Yes it is time for change!

If the people of America want to get control of their country now is the time but it can only happen if they take responsibility for what happens in their country.  You see, people seem to have forgotten the rest of the story when it comes to our Bill of Rights.  When they published the full title of the Amendments to the Constitution the editors left out part of the title.  It should have read the Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

There is no better generation to fix that problem than the battle tested, Cold War conditioned, oil shortage hardened Baby Boomers who are the only generation of the past century to understand the price of freedom and the dangers of democracy.  I think every person who cares and wants things better should wear a tee shirt and paste bumper stickers that proclaim, “This is My Country!”

We can start by telling the politicians who want to be president that we the people will tell them what we need and what to do.  Last time I checked they work for us.  So the true Agenda for Change will be presented in this series of articles on Taking Back America.  The pollsters, political advisors and advertising agencies that put words or sound bytes into the mouths of politicians have it all wrong.  They are the very people who got us into this mess.

No we need to give government back to the people, give God back to the government and give meaning back to our Declaration and Constitution.  We need to provide what people need, stop promoting what we don’t need, and start seeing government act like our friend and protector rather than a front for greed and power hungry individuals or corporations.

America must be wealthy, not the rulers who try and run or own America.  Don’t you think those who claim to know have victimized us for long enough?  We want a nation where housing laws protect the homeowners not the mortgage and financial institutions.  We want banking laws that protect the citizens not the credit card companies, debt collectors, lawyers and hidden fees.

Our government licenses telephone companies, television and radio stations, banks, mortgage companies, investment banks, doctors and stock brokers among many others, while we regulate the stock market, commodity market (including the price of oil and food), energy companies, interstate commerce, foreign aid and practically every other aspect of our lives.  Do you feel protected?

We spend more money protecting oil producing nations, arms dealers, drug companies, banks and investment houses than we do protecting people and that has simply got to change.  Look at the cost, $500 billion and 4,000 American lives in Iraq to protect the Arab nations from Arab terrorists, or is it the Arab oil producers from disruption?  What do we get?  Record oil prices, no effort by OPEC to increase production and lower prices, and the scorn of the world.

Or how about our Afghanistan experience?  We spend billions to chase the terrorists out of Afghanistan into hiding in Pakistan, a nation where we spend billions to protect the military and government that gives the terrorists safe haven.  We have no viable foreign policy, we just support the arms dealers of the world who make sure there is always civil unrest, genocide and demigods running amok where we can spend billions more defending people.  If America stopped financing war directly and indirectly do you think the arms dealers would spend their own money to cause wars?

Back in the good old USA we have more than enough wars of our own to fight against the destruction of our immune systems by the pharmaceutical companies, the addictions imposed on us by television, video games, hospitals and doctors, the health care industry, the wellness industry, the physical education industry, and all those who think the only way to good health is through the pocketbook.

Then there are the phone companies, banks and credit card companies with their incredible hidden fees and confusing billings, insurance companies that increase rates for reasons having nothing to do with their insurance coverage, the media whose message is always influenced by the advertising dollars it might generate, and the government who works for everyone but the people it is supposed to represent.

Oh it is time for change all right, and the change we need must be cataclysmic to do any good.  All the shadowy figures that profit from our difficulties, steal from our treasury and attempt to influence our minds and destroy our wills are counting on us being too weak, too self-centered and too preoccupied to bring about change but I say they are wrong.  Once again the bad guys have underestimated the power of freedom and the will of the people.

Proudly display your sign This is My Country and then do what they don’t expect, show you care.  Help establish the Agenda for Change that we need, not the one politicians say we need.  Start out by making a concerted effort to send a message to the oil profiteers by joining in a national effort to stay at home from Memorial Day until the Fourth of July, Independence Day, and reduce oil and gas consumption as much as possible.

Spend weekends with your family, seeing what you missed in your community, state and surrounding areas.  Enjoy the local festivals and events.  Turn off television and limit your time on the Internet and we can start to get back our nation.  Asking you to save money does not sound like too much to ask.  Please share this article with anyone and everyone you can and watch for the rest of the series outlining the Agenda for Change we need which you can find by visiting http://coltonspointtimes.blogspot.com/.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Website: ColtonsPointTimes.blogspot.com
Source:Jordan Christopher, Ivy Hollow Media
Email:Contact Author
Tags:Agenda For Change, Taking Back America, Politics, Presidential Campaign, Public Policy, Oil Boycott, Bill Of Rights
Industry:Media, Lifestyle, Government
Location:Coltons Point - Maryland - United States
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