Online Test For CAT Entrance By

One of the best place on internet where student can get the updated sample test paper for CAT entrance and also can take demo test online.
April 5, 2008 - PRLog -- Here comes again the season of CAT, MBA and we have passionate parents running over each other to find the right preparation modes for their kids. The kids of course are starry eyed with $ dreams. We would in this space like to highlight a new on-line test preparation service, ( Though many would say it is a cluttered game and a new entrant would find it difficult to survive, leave alone win.

We would like to share some of the finer points of that caught our attention:

•   It focuses only on tests, something which everyone craves for
•   By making its tests online, allows students across the globe to compare their performances with each other
•   The test features allow pointed feedback like time taken in each question, score maps, percentile charts
•   There are peer to peer and peer to teacher mentoring sessions
•   Students get to meet Champion Test takers
•   There are online e-Books for downloads
•   Above all, it is very inexpensive!

We tried to map with other sources of MBA/ CAT preparation in India. And this is what we realized: Today 90% of successful candidates in top schools study on their own and go out only for tests; ergo – there is a larger market for tests than for preparation. And the value perception among students is that none of the training institutes of today are able to provide quality tests. Each of the institutes is good enough in their local faculty.

We were provided with a courtesy login and password by We analyzed the questions quality with that of others, trust us we found that intuitive. The questions tried to map the old patterns and try to mimic what could be the future trends.

Vinay Gupta, CEO of Dimensions E Services (the company behind, was candid in his interview to us, “We wish to provide the students a quality alternative that can go with any of their preparation modes, be it self or with anyone else. We are unique in our product proposition and are not afraid to claim our ability to improve scores of serious test preparation candidates.”

Rs.10 may not be that expensive to give a try. Visit for more information.

About is an online destination for test preparation. It currently focuses on some India specific tests like MBA, CAT, IAS, IIT JEE and BBA. The plans are to move onto tests like GMAT, GRE, TOEFL. benefits from its ability to replicate a virtual test environment and use technology to effectively map every student’s performance in isolation or as part of a large audience.

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