LilyPadz® Putting The Glamour into Breast Feeding and Taking the Frumpiness out!

LilyPadz® are a great alternative to conventional breast pads. LilyPadz® design and features allows nursing mums to return to wear the clothes they want because they are invisable and can be warn with out a bra!
April 10, 2008 - PRLog -- All breastfeeding mum’s dreading the summer month’s warbrobe of spaghetti strap dresses; sun tops and bathing suits can now bring out all their fashion favourites! LilyPadz® are the only breast pads that give nursing women comfort as well as style allowing nursing mums to wear what they want when they want!

LilyPadz® are a great alternative to conventional breast pads.  LilyPadz® design and features allows nursing mums to return to pre-baby activities, enjoying a night out, the freedom to go strapless, sheer, silky, the options are endless, because they are transparent and can be worn without a bra.

The pads work by placing gentle pressure on the nipple stopping the let down of milk and preventing the leak.  Because LilyPadz® are made of thin, soft, flexible and breathable silicone they act like a second skin. They protect the nipple from excess moisture, rubbing and sticking, commonly experienced with cotton pads.

Lactation Consultant and Doctor endorsed LilyPadz® are safe to use and offer no increased risk of mastitis and other complications associated with lactating women. LilyPadz® are easily cleaned with non-moisturising soap and come with a storage case.

Yummy Mummies can now put on their sun dress and walk behind their stroller knowing they look great!  Available from your high st retailer, estores and catalogues

Notes to the Editor:  

LilyPadz are an alternative to conventional breast pad with the added fashion benefits of being invisible under clothing.  LilyPadz are a great product addition to maternity, fashion and breast-feeding sections.

For Further information please contact  - 0870 446 5459 – for further product information see

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TrendyKid UK is a children’s products distribution company started in 2005 by husband and wife team.  Now the company employ’s a team of four personnel based at their head office in Berkshire
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