Vermont Business Man and Family Develop New State Wide Green Awareness Program for Earth Day 2008

GreenFoot Car Magnet is the creation of Vermont business owner, David Emmons. Emmons and his family intend to spread their new environmental awareness program through Vermont and eventually the entire country - one green step at a time!
April 17, 2008 - PRLog -- F     For more information, Contact: Photo Attached
                                                                             David E. Emmons Vermont Nature Creations
                                                             Phone: 802- 645-0451    E-mail:                                                                                

Vermont Home Schooling Family Turns Science Lesson into a Green Family Business
The “GreenFoot Car Magnet” Becomes the New Symbol for Environmental Awareness!
(Wells, Vermont): It all started as just another science lesson for our children. “We were discussing the impact that our lifestyles have on the environment and what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint”, said David Emmons about the beginning’s of the GreenFoot car magnet.

David Emmons and his wife, Janet, home school their children in addition to running a successful home craft business, Vermont Nature Creations, Inc. As business people and as parents they know the importance of teaching their children through hands on practical application as well as through conventional methods.

“We were contemplating what we could do to get more people to recognize the importance of living green. We realized we should create an item that people would see every day. Then we had a perfect idea - a car magnet. Thousands of people could potentially see a car magnet, and every car that had one would literally be a vehicle for raising awareness. The additional fact that other people would be a part of spreading the word, played right into our teaching lesson of each person doing their part.” David said. The children agreed, “What people need is a reminder, something to get their attention.”  “It has to be a car magnet with a unique shape, something that reminds people of their carbon footprint.” The GreenFoot car magnet was born!

“We went right to work. It became all about artwork, trademarks, copyrights, packaging, displays, and more artwork. We each had a part to play in this creative process,” David said. “We wanted everything to be made locally so we could show our children the positive impact we can have on each others lives in our own community. We found local businesses that were happy to work with us. A print house in Poultney, Vermont would print the package. An area woodworker and blacksmith would make the different displays we would need. Now that was home schooling in action, real life application that makes teaching stick.”

A new website is up and explains the project’s vision.

“We took a unique approach to the site’s design to make it easy for people to get involved and spread the word about living green. Our Care and Share program encourages people to buy two of the magnets for a discount. They keep one and share the other with a friend to help spread the word,” David explained.  “We see this as an ever increasing circle of awareness, multiplying the effect of the magnet to make a real impact.” The website is full of information about living green. There will be new tips each day on the home page, and there is section where everyone can upload suggestions and tips for living a greener life. Storeowners will also find information on how to order the car magnets for their stores.

“What started out as a science lesson, turned into a lesson on much more, a lesson on responsibility, community, and working together to make a change,” David said. “We realized more than ever that we are all connected and together we can change the world…and we can do it one green step at a time.”

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About Vermont Nature Creations, Inc.: We are the plant rooter people! We handcraft them all right here in Vermont using copper of the highest grade, and stain glass that is hand picked for its beauty. Our plant rooters are individually crafted with your plant cuttings in mind. The unique designs allow the plants to wrap around the stain glass so as to let the sun through. Hanging in your window the rooter vase catches the sun and the plants just love it. If you've been told you don't have that green thumb you must give our plant rooters a try! They are a winner.

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