Actress Amy Adams Meets With Filmmaker Oliver Maldonado With

Colorado Actress Amy Adams Initially Accepted Role in With Independent Film Maker Oliver Maldonado
June 2, 2008 - PRLog -- The Colorado BigFoot Documentary from Writer/Director Oliver Maldonado was initially offered to Actress Amy Adams.

The independant film has a cast of Colorado local Celebraties involved with the project. The project also includes local radio station Alice 105.9 Morning Show, BJ, Howie & Jennifer as characters in the movie.

"I saw some of her work and was exited to hear she was in Colorado working on a project, so I decided to meet her and see if she'd be a part of our project. After meeting with her on the role, I wasn't sure it was the right part for her." Said Oliver Maldonado when asked about Amy Adams.

"Amy Adams initially accepted a role in the, but Oliver Maldonado wasn't sure if the role was right for her. I think Amy Adams is great, but after speaking with her, I just wasn't sure if she was the right fit. I'm sure she would have done great with it, but I went with another local actress Priscilla Torres." Said Oliver Maldonado about who he offered the role to.

Local Colorado companies have also helped fund this project. American Financing Corporation, Yia-Yias & Crocs are just a few companies that sponsored this project.

The expedition has already begun and will be completed in Green Mountain Falls.

Oliver Maldonado & his Partner Howie Drummond will officially lead their expedition into the wild by July 08.

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