Is Negotiation Still Used In Business?

Karen Ross will interview negotiation coach Jim Camp. Asking him if negotiation is still used or is it just a who knows who business world.
By: Karen Ross
Aug. 24, 2008 - PRLog -- New book on negotiation shows how to say “no” to bad deals every time.

The best word in the English language has to be “yes.” In negotiation, however, “yes” is the worst word. It primes you to please the other side, to rush ahead, to compro­mise early and often, to come to a deal—any deal. In negotiation, the best word to say—and to invite the other side to say—is “no.”

That’s the idea behind the newest book by negotiation expert Jim Camp, called NO: The Only Negotiating System You Need for Work and Home (Crown). With this revamped edition of Camp’s critically acclaimed business book, Start with No, Camp has boiled down his famous negotiation model into easy-to-understand steps that anyone can learn and practice.

His “No” system is as effective in home settings as it is in corporate ones. We can use it every day, whether it’s to get our spouse to do more housework, our kids to go to bed earlier, or our contractor to keep his costs down. Camp shows young people how to use the “No” system to get into better colleges, land dream jobs, and buy their first home. He also shows businesspeople how to hammer out optimal deals with clients, customers, and coworkers.

Connect With Karen features stimulating and fascinating conversation as Karen Ross interviews non-fiction authors. Regarded as a “favorite interviewer” by authors, Ross gets to the heart of the topic – quickly and entertainingly. She asks her guests the questions her listeners would ask if they could, and often asks questions no other interviewer thinks of. Formerly a popular, award-winning radio talk show host in Chicago and SC, Ross brings her excellent interview skills to each Thursday evening at 6 PM EST.

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