Financial Blog A Few Dollars More Provides Insight In and Advice On Surviving Wall Street

A Few Dollars More published by financial adviser and financial services veteran William (Bill) Schmick helps investors maintain a healthy investment portfolio.
Sept. 5, 2008 - PRLog -- New York, New York - A Few Dollars More is the newest financial investment blog published by financial services veteran William (Bill) Schmick. The blog provides an insightful view of today’s financial situation, its impact on Wall Street, and how investors can build a strong retirement portfolio while riding out the volatile investment market.

Schmick, one of the pioneers in international investing in the United States,  turns to his experience in mutual funds and commodities to share his insight on the market’s volatility which makes it a hard market for the little guy to make money. Through his insight in Wall Street, Schmick provides advice on what sectors will help investors ride out the storm while building a long-term retirement investment portfolio.

In addition to publishing A Few Dollars More, Schmick currently manages mutual fund portfolios for Dion Money Management. He  has worked as an investment strategist and institutional broker in foreign and emerging market securities for some of the largest investment firms on Wall Street. Schmick also pens an investment and retirement column, “The Independent Investor”and “@theMarket” . He has also authored several other financial articles for various periodicals and magazines.

For more financial advice from Bill Schmick, register for http://www.A Few Dollars financial investment alerts.

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William (Bill) Schmick, a 27-year veteran in the financial services sector, is one of the pioneers in international investing in the United States. He currently manages mutual fund portfolios for Dion Money Management, and has worked as an investment strategist and institutional broker in foreign and emerging market securities for some of the largest investment firms on Wall Street. Schmick also pens the financial blog, A Few Dollars More, an investment and retirement column, “The Independent Investor”and “@theMarket” . He has also authored several other financial articles for various periodicals and magazines. To learn more visit
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