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Follow on Google News | Jay Endorses Third Party Joint Statement, Calls For Pro-freedom BreakoutBoston Tea Party presidential nominee Charles Jay endorses the Campaign For Liberty's "We Agree" platform, urges voters to support pro-freedom candidates
By: Boston Tea Party on behalf of CJ '08 "The statement calls for four things that all freedom-loving Americans should be able to agree on," said Jay. "A sane foreign policy, seizing back our right to privacy, ending government's ruinous borrow-and-spend addiction, and prying America from the grip of a debased fiat currency." Jay, who will appear on voters' ballots in Colorado, Florida and Tennessee this November, was not invited to be part of the joint press conference, held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. No hard feelings, he says. "I understand that space was limited and that ballot access numbers were a likely consideration." The Boston Tea Party was formed in 2006 to the national Libertarian Party's state of ideological and operational disintegration which, BTP founder and vice-presidential nominee Thomas Knapp of Missouri says, "has now found full and final expression in Bob Barr's presidential campaign." Jay and Knapp were nominated in June in an online convention. Jay and Knapp urge all freedom-loving Americans to vote the Boston Tea Party ticket where possible, Ron Paul in Montana and Louisiana (where he will appear on the ballot), the BTP-endorsed alternative Libertarian Party ticket of George Phillies and Chris Bennett in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and one of the other candidates who stood behind the CFL statement on stage with Ron Paul elsewhere. Boston Tea Party Charles Jay '08 Campaign For Liberty: "We Agree" # # # Platform of the Boston Tea Party: "The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose." End