Is Wall Street Arrogance To Blame for Failures in Congress?

Does Wall Street really expect the American public to pay for their mistakes? Perhaps it is time Wall Street practice a little humility if they really want to get bailed out.
By: Jordan Christopher, Ivy Hollow Media
Sept. 29, 2008 - PRLog -- Today the Wall Street bailout failed in Congress.  Immediately after the financial experts on television began threatening yet again that the public is too dumb to understand the problem and as a result there will be no money for mortgages, autos, credit card purchases and other needs of Main Street America.  

The financial experts went so far on CNBC to say the people in Congress are limited to liberal arts and law degrees and have no understanding of the economy and that is why the bailout failed.  One day the many people whose lives and pocketbooks are lined by their close relationship to Wall Street may wake up and discover their own arrogance is what is fueling the public opinion revolt against them in their efforts to raid the public Treasury.

Long ago the general public stopped paying attention to idle threats from those demanding access to the Treasury to solve all the problems of the world.  The international banking cartel and financiers from around the world have made run after run on the U.S. Treasury since the days of the American revolution to the Civil War to the latest crisis resulting from the mismanagement and greed on Wall Street.

Clever public relations people hired by them told them to stop talking about Wall Street and keep talking about how their problems are really the problems of Main Street but the American public knows better in spite of the public relations efforts.  Today's problems on Wall Street were caused by greed, incompetent government regulation, Congress looking the other way while the financial institutions lined their pockets and campaign treasuries, and the expectation that the taxpayer could be hoodwinked into covering their losses.

Now the American taxpayer is expected to pay $700 billion to buy all the "toxic" loans that were issued by banks and mortgage companies and have resulted in a tightened credit market.  What in the world makes them think the public should buy all the toxic loans and bail them out of their mismanagement and greed?  If Wall Street had not started meddling in the mortgage market by packaging sub-prime mortgages when they saw how much money could be made in real estate we would have no crisis.

So they get caught with a couple of trillion in worthless mortgages and decide the American taxpayer has a responsibility to bail them out or they will cut off credit to Main Street.  Where I come from that is not a request for help but blackmail.  Then they say the financial integrity of our 401k, IRAs and pensions are in jeopardy if the bail out is not approved.  That is second degree blackmail.  The only way our pension money could be threatened is if the thieves on Wall Street invested it in the crooked stocks to begin with.  Of course they did.

A reasonable way to help Wall Street while protecting the federal Treasury is possible and maybe now that the stampede to action has been halted by the vote in Congress perhaps the arrogant experts on wall Street who are demanding the handout can simply ask the stupid public for help in a nice and honest way and maybe this time they will get it.

Perhaps most important, the financial elitists and their liberal apologists had better learn humility and take responsibility for the mess we are in that they caused.  Their days of unlimited feeding at the public treasury are over.  The public has no responsibility to pay them for the mess they made and if we do give help, then we have every right to prosecute them if they violated the law.  As for the financial television channels, turn them off, there are far better ways to spend the day.
Source:Jordan Christopher, Ivy Hollow Media
Email:Contact Author
Tags:Economy, Politics, Wall Street, Bailout, Congress, Bush, Banking
Industry:Politics, Economy
Location:Coltons Point - Maryland - United States
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Page Updated Last on: Sep 29, 2008
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