Productive use of time critical for West Cork’s small businesses

Effective time management is crucial for small business owners, especially so in the current economic climate. Small business networking group SOHO Solo is helping small business owners in West Cork to hone their time management skills
By: SOHO Solo West Cork
SOHO Solo West Cork
SOHO Solo West Cork
Oct. 6, 2008 - PRLog -- As the economy slides steadily into recession, making effective use of time and resources is vital for any business, but when you’re running your own home-based in rural region like West Cork it becomes even more critical. You have to make sure the time you invest in your business is used productively if you want to compete and survive in an increasingly challenging business environment.

But when you’re running your own business making effective use of your time can be incredibly challenging. You’re constantly switching roles: from strategic business planning, to accounting, to customer support to marketing to business administration — you name it, as a small business owner you’ll probably find yourself doing it sooner or later. Add the all important family time, social engagements and a little bit of “me” time and it’s little wonder that so many solo business owners get overwhelmed.

But there is an answer. By learning and applying effective time management techniques small business owners can:

* Organise and prioritise their workload effectively
* Eliminate the trivia that sucks up those precious minutes
* Take control of how and where they focus their attention
* Build flexibility into their schedule
* Meet deadlines
* Set realistic goals
* … and much more

To give small business owners in the region a head start SOHO Solo West Cork — a business networking and support group for Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) workers and Solo entrepreneurs — is hosting a mini-seminar on Time Management for Small Business Owners with business consultant Jim Flynn of MTS consulting. This free event takes place in the Celtic Ross Hotel in Rosscarbery on Tuesday the 14 October from 12:30pm — 2:00pm.

“As a small business owner living and working in West Cork I know how precious time is, and how much of a challenge it can be to harness it productively — particularly when you’re based at home with all of the added distractions that entails,” said freelance writer and author Calvin Jones, SOHO Solo co-ordinator for West Cork. “I’m looking forward to Jim’s talk, and to picking up some time management tips, tools and techniques from other SOHO Solos on the day.”

Calvin stressed that the event is open to anyone who qualifies as a SOHO Solo — essentially someone who runs their own business from home, or works from home for at least part of each week. “We’re very keen to welcome new members,” he said, “we just ask that people register their interest by e-mailing or calling 021 2348015 so that we can keep track of the number of people planning to attend.”

SOHO Solo has active chapters in West Cork, Cork City & South and Kerry. You can find out more on the SOHO Solo West Cork’s new blog and on


About SOHO Solo West Cork

SOHO Solo West Cork is part of SOHO Solo Ireland, a vibrant business networking and support group uniquely tailored to the needs of independent entrepreneurs and Small Office/Home Office workers.

The Soho/Solo project was launched in 2003 as a European pilot project funded by the Interreg IIIB ‘Atlantic Area’ Programme for two years. The programme promoted the Atlantic regions of Europe as better places to live and work, encouraging rural sustainability and regeneration.

In April 2006, following the success of the pilot project, Cork Business Innovation Centre(CorkBIC) and the County and City Enterprise Boards in Cork and Kerry agreed funding to sustain the project in the South West of Ireland.

The project aims to identify Small Office Home Office Workers(Soho Solos) in the South West of Ireland, to encourage others to relocate or return to the region, to promote Small Office Home Office Working and to offer support to these “new” entrepreneurs.

For more information please contact:

SOHO Solo West Cork Blog and Social Media initiative
Calvin Jones, CJ Writing, SOHO Solo West Cork co-ordinator,
Tel.: +353 21 2348015
Mob.: +353 86 8233709
AIM/YahooIM/Skype: calvin141170

General SOHO Solo enquiries
Jennifer Berton, Soho Solo Helpdesk
Tel: +353 21 2307003
Fax +353 21 2307020

NSC Campus, Mahon, Cork, Ireland

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SOHO Solo West Cork is a unique business network and support group tailored specifically to the needs of Small Office Home Office workers and Solo entrepreneurs in South West Ireland

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