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Follow on Google News | The truth about our Presidential CandidatesIf you are truly stuck and don't know what to think because mainstream media has pulled you one way, fear and economy in another; then please read this Press Release!
By: Kathryn Ward 1. Barack Hussein Obama has no experience. If Barack Hussein Obama applied for the Presidency, the way we look at job applicants, we would have never made it as far as the interview. His process would have stopped at the resume review stage. I don't care how smart any one person is; nothing can take the place of real experience. Experience comes with doing the job under pressure, stress and knowing if you make the 'wrong' decision will impact thousands of lives. This is not the job you leave to someone who has no experience- if it were we would have more CEO's & CFO's right out of college. 2. Barack Hussein Obama is affiliated with racist individuals like Jeremiah Wright and Domestic Terrorists like William Ayers. Guilty by association has never been a term I was fond of; however, when you are talking about the President and the individuals he and/or she associates himself with. Well, then were not really comparing apples to apples are we? Our Country has worked very hard to overcome the racist divide- and Dr. Martin Luther King said it best judge not a man by the color of his skin but rather by the way he lives his life. Jeremiah Wright had nothing but negative and awful things to say about 'white' American's. And his references to Hillary Clinton were just attrocious. Jeremiah Wright on Sunday mornings preaches racisum and hate for white Americans- and this is the man Barack Hussein Obama has looked to as a Spiritual and Religious Leader for 20-years. Not only that but Jeremiah Wright married Barack Hussein and his wife Michelle and baptised their children. If Barack has been a loyal follower of Jeremiah Wright 20-years; how can he honestly and ethical claim ignorance to his beliefs? Barack Hussein Obama sat in church each and every Sunday and listened to him! And the fact Barack Hussein Obama can look into the eyes of the Ameircan people and say William Ayers is just someone that lives in the same neighborhood is beyond me. William Ayers bombed the Pentagon, killed innocent men and women in the process, and has shown no remorse for his actions. Barack Hussein Obama has worked on many 'community projects' with William Ayers and announced his Candidacy for President while in the home of William Ayers. Now Barack Hussein Omaba is lying about havign any involvement and contact with William Ayers. I'm not sure if I am more upset about Barack Hussein Obama's poor choice in the company he keeps with Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers... and lets not forget the low-lifes of Fannie Mae who put our Country in this economic state of crisis; or the fact he so willing and unethically lies about it. Either way, the issue boils down to a seirous lack of 'trust'. 3. Barack Hussein Obama's and his contributions to the US Financial Crisis: In just three years in the Senate, Barack Hussein Obama has asked taxpayers for over a hundred earmarks totaling $740 million dollars. John McCain has been in the Senate for twenty-six years. Guess how many earmarks he has asked for? ZERO. Barack Hussein Obama has promised, repeatedly, that he will cut taxes for 90% of America. But takling out of both sides of his face, Barack Hussein Obama also voted to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire. So that means our income taxes will actually go up. John McCain tried to blow the whistle on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac over two years ago. In 2006, he told the Senate, “For years, I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…. The GSEs need to be reformed without delay.” So, it's no wonder he didn’t get their political contributions. And who opposed the reforms John McCain was calling for? None other then Barack Hussein Obama. Guess who received campaign contributions from the people who drove Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into the ground? Of course, Barack Hussein Obama. John McCain saw this nightmare coming. Barack Hussein Obama has been a major part of the problem. To help the middle class, Barack Hussein Obama has promised to drastically increase the taxes on the wealthy and big corporations. This is scam to make the American People think that the middle class will be better off. Well, don't be fooled! The reality is when big companies pay more taxes, they cut costs, they cut jobs, and they cut salaries. Which means the middle class will have less money, not more. Barack Hussein Obama is misleading America into thinking his new grand tax plan will help- but in reality it will only hurt the economy and the American People more. I can not speak for the rest of the American people but I can speak for myself and there is absolutely no way, no how that I will help support putting an inexperience, disingenious, unethical, racist provoking man (or woman) into office. I know the American people are hungry for something different, they see the problems we're facing today and are grasping at anything that looks, smells and feels different. But the 'change' Barack Hussein Obama wants to bring will only further hurt our Country, economy and adversely impact our lives to the point it will be next to impossible to turn around. It is in the best interest of the Country, economy and American People to support and Vote for John McCain. John McCain has exseptional experience, leadership and proven track record that Barack Hussein Obama can not begin to compare too. John McCain learned that to sustain his self-respect for a lifetime it would be necessary for him to have the honor of serving something greater than his self-interest -- service to his country. John McCain has always put his country's interests before any party, special interest and even his own self-interest. He has always and will always do what is right for our country. Support and Vote, John McCain for President ! God Bless America and the brave men and women that fight, each and every day, to ensure our right to freedom is never compromised. End