Free Walking Tour of Old San Juan Available at offers the most information available on Old San Juan Puerto Rico including a Free Walking Tour of the 500 Year Old City. Discover where Juan Ponce de Leon is Buried & see pictures of his Tomb.
By: Oliver Maldonado
Oct. 28, 2008 - PRLog -- San Juan Puerto Rico is the oldest City in America and the only place Christopher Columbus made it to in America. Although most American schools don't teach this information in school, the fact remains that Old San Juan is over 500 years old and the oldest American City.

Old San Juan has over 500 years of history and is the website that covers most of Old San Juans history. At you'll find a wealth of information regarding the old city. There you'll also be able to get a free walking tour of the old city along with local travel, hotels, restaurants and much more.

If you're one of the millions of people that make it to Old San Juan, Puerto Rico each year by cruise ship, you really need to review this site before you got. You'll be able to find the local weather information, local travel and see many pictures of Old San Juan.

You'll also find what local activities and dates are happening in Old San Juan.

If you're visiting Old San Juan or plan on visiting Old San Juan you really need to visit

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About comes from a direct descendant of one of Old San Juans first families. Discover where Christopher Columbus Laned in America and where Juan Ponce de Leon is Buried.
Oliver Maldonado is a direct descendant of a San Juan family with over 5 generations of service in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Oliver Maldonado is a Puertorican Author and Filmmaker.
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