Radio Talk Show Host Predicts Financial Crisis Will Lead To Global Currency and Cashless Society

Paul McGuire a radio talk show host, television commentator and seminary professor predicts in new book The Day The Dollar Died that the financial meltdown will lead to a one world economic system and a "mark of the beast technology."
By: Paul McGuire Productions
March 1, 2009 - PRLog -- A science fiction film producer, syndicated radio talk show host,  seminary professor and author of 16 books, Paul McGuire, predicts in his book “The Day The Dollar Died” that the current financial meltdown will lead to a cashless society and a one world economic system.  McGuire who has spoken in to over 26, 000 people at conferences in the last six months and whose message has reached millions worldwide through a History Channel Special entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse” and interviews with him on the international GOD TV television network is not your typical author who deals with the subject of Bible prophecy.  Paul McGuire has been a frequent guest on some of the biggest shows on the Fox News Network like “Your World With Neil Cavuto” and “O’Reilly debated some of the world’s leading economists and political leaders.  He will be speaking at the Hyatt Irvine with former Governor Mike Huckabee.
   In his book “The Day The Dollar Died” McGuire believes that the current financial crisis is being used to bring about a global economic system, cashless society and world government.  Although, McGuire denies being a “conspiracy theorist,” he believes that Federal Reserve System controls both political parties along with our economy and that organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations are using this usher in their long held dream of global government.  McGuire said, “Nationalization is just another name for socialism. Hitler and Stalin nationalized industries in their economic recovery programs.  What we are seeing now in America and the rest of the world moving is the kind of world socialist state written by Fabian Socialist and science fiction writer H.G. Wells in his books “The New World Order” and “The Shape of Things to Come.”  McGuire adds, “Look how many times Henry Kissinger has used the term new world order in the last couple of weeks.  Their goal is a synthesis between a United States-style of society and Communist China.  They want the productivity of America, but they want the totalitarian control of Communist China and they are doing this right in front of our eyes through fear and crisis.”
   “President Obama and the Democrats are being accused of being socialists by conservatives.  But, the reality is a whole series of Republican Presidents have enacted socialist policies.  President Bush created the largest deficit in our nation’s history and a Republican President created both “Big Government” and “Big Brother Government” on scale we never have seen before and yet conservatives attack Obama and were strangely silent while President Bush moved our national debt into the trillions of dollars.”

   McGuire hosted one of the most successful syndicated radio talk shows in the nation, “The Paul McGuire Show” which aired in drive time from Los Angeles for over 10 years where he interviewed a steady stream or Prime Ministers like Israel Ehud Omert, Secretaries of State, Secretaries of Defense, White House Press Secretaries and former President’s like Jimmy Carter.  McGuire was the first nationally syndicated radio talk show host to break the story of the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States and the North American Union.  A story which some conservative pundits ridiculed until Paul Martin the Prime Minister of Canada went public with it on national television and former Mexican President Vicente Fox openly talked about the North American Union on the “Larry King Show.”
   McGuire does not believe this is a Democratic or Republican issue and both parties are involved in this. McGuire commented, “President Obama is being blamed by  McGuire who supports the war on terrorism and the efforts of our intelligence community said, “I support our military and intelligence communities need to pursue terrorists.  But, there are no legal safeguards to protect the civil liberties of the average American citizen.  Anyone who takes a stand for anything can be labeled as a terrorist. Great Britain is becoming a Police State and so is the U.S.  The Department of Homeland Security announced plans for an “Enhanced Drivers License and ID Card” which basically means your driver’s license has an RFID radio chip in it transmitting information about you wherever you go.  So if you attend a political rally, an environmental rally or church they will know the names and personal information of everyone who attended without anyone knowing it.  But, the second phase is to get rid of cash, checks and credit cards.  The idea is to get rid of money and move into a cashless society where a biochip implant or some other kind of technology is used  Now what that is scary is that is exactly what is predicted in the Book of Revelation or what is commonly known as the “mark of the beast.”  The Book of Revelation predicts a one world economic system, a one world government and economy where no one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. “
   The author’s message has been resonating worldwide via his website on the Internet and international television. McGuire’s book “The Day The Dollar Died” has been called “The Late Great Planet Earth of our generation.  It fuses global economics, politics and social trends with Bible prophecy in a non-religious style that appeals to Hollywood, environmentalists, conservatives, Christians, people of other faiths and civil libertarians.

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Paul McGuire is an author and is the CEO of a publishing, radio and television production company which produces programs both nationally and internationally to distribute the teachings and commentary of radio talk show host, author and television personality Paul McGuire.
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