Really Be the Greatest MOM/DAD in the World

Exceptional New Guide Teaches Parents How Nurture Successful, Happy and Respectful Healthy Children
By: Gareth Williams
July 21, 2009 - PRLog -- The Mother’s Day and Father’s Day holidays are just around the corner.  It’s the one time of year parents are rewarded for their hard work and dedication to their children.  Being a parent is the most difficult job on the planet.  In this full-time job, there is more than enough overtime, no vacations, scrapes, bruising, crying, uncertainty that you’re doing a good job and plenty of worry.  Where is a parent to go to for answers?  Many parenting books have been written by psychologists who don’t even have children.  Their theories can’t be applied to real life situations.  Finally, Harmony @ Home helps parents with rearing successful, happy, respectful, intellectual well grounded and healthy children by following simple yet highly proven techniques.

“There’s a lot of rubbish being sold out there to parents which is actually doing more harm than good to our children and this is very worrying. People often sell books based on their ‘own’ experiences of parenting their ‘own’ kids. This more often than not results in disaster as each household and child is different.  My book is based on solid research and fact and teaches the parent/s how to navigate the mine filed successfully, stress free and in a very quick time,” Author Gareth Williams says.

Harmony @ Home is based on the “whole child approach” which is the latest thinking in raising children who are psychologically, and physically well grounded.  This information has been acquired through correspondence with experts and recent research on successful parenting and through my own personal and professional knowledge. They are tried and trusted recommendations.

With the guidance in this book, parents will create will be harmony at home, well balanced and happy children,  more respect and tolerance from both parties, better future prospects for the child as well as the family as a whole.  Parents will learn how to enjoy their children and how to better understand them, fostering a happier and more fullfilling home environment
Williams says, “It’s been an important goal of mine to give parents an ultimate guide to successful parenting without the normal B.S. that is associated with it.  Most products out there are either out of date or just not correct. A lot of people are more than happy to sell something which is of poor quality.  Harmony @ Home is the realization of this important goal.”

Harmony @ Home is a multimedia package which includes a PowerPoint video presentation, mp3 audio download, and the eBook itself.  It is the ultimate parenting guide and covers every aspect of positive modern parenting.  Modules explore topics such as health, a child’s mental development, morality and ethics, difficulties of single parenting, education and dealing with teenagers.

“Rather than seeing this guide as a product in my business I see it more as accomplishing one of my life-long goals and a way of helping parents who may be struggling with their parenting needs.  I get greater joy out of helping others rather than making a lot of money out of this book,” says Williams

Gareth Williams is adamant about helping parents achieve success.  He has several parenting guides in which he reveals parenting secrets that are kept from parents due to political and social stigmas.  For more information visit

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Gareth Williams is adamant about helping parents achieve success. He has several parenting guides in which he reveals parenting secrets that are kept from parents due to political and social stigmas. For more information visit
Source:Gareth Williams
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Tags:Child Behavior, Child Rearing, Raising Children, Adolescent Behavior
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