Make Money Recycling and Selling Mobile Phones

Do you have any old mobile phones? Are you looking to make a little extra money? Everyone is. Especially in todays climate. Learn how to turn old mobiles into cash and help the environment at the same time.
By: Mike
Aug. 4, 2009 - PRLog -- With the demand for recycling come great opportunity in the telecommunications world. The world of mobile phones. Old mobile phones can now be sold for cash to a recycling scheme who reuse these phones by refurbishing them and selling them on to other people. Or dismantling them and reusing the parts inside or the precious metals in the making of refurbished or brand new mobiles.

They say there are literally millions of old mobile phones just lying around gathering dust. Sitting there completely obsolete never to be used again. Unfortunately a lot of them just end up being thrown away and are taken to landfill sites to sit in the ground for centuries. This can have a detrimental effect on the environment as metals and other materials inside these phones do not biodegrade. They can leak out hazardous chemicals which are hard to dispose of and clean up and they can get into the worlds water supplies contaminating our pure drinking water. Ultimately this costs more money to treat and means less safe drinking water for ourselves and our children.

So never throw old mobile phones away! Never throw them into the trash can. Old mobile phones can safely be recycled for cash online to one of the many great mobile phone recycling sites who take the phone and reuse it somehow in the making of newer mobile phones. This helps the environment which means a safer world for us and less resources being used to make brand new mobiles and other electrical gadgets.

There are many new mobile phone recycling sites you can use to sell your mobile phone to. Just go onto a search engine and search for something like Sell Your Mobile Phone and a list of the top used ones will be displayed. But each pay out different prices and each have their own features and benefits. It all pretty much works the same though. You register on their site. Send in your phone and days later get your payment. It's simple! No more selling old phones on eBay or another auction site. No more meeting dodgy people in dark places to get cash for it. Just send it and and hey presto you get paid!

So if you have any old mobile phones, do yourself and the environment a favor. Recycle them for cash. With so many people having unused mobile phones lying around you can make a small fortune. There are many ways you can collect them. You may be a member of a church group. Or another type of organization. You could start a collection rally. Maybe have a deposit box people can drop their old mobile phones in. I am sure you could think up ways to get hold of some. How may friends do you have that have new mobile phones now? Where do you think all their old ones are? They are probably tucked away somewhere. So ask them if they want to keep them. Tell them of the great benefits of recycling them for cash online. Collect mobile phones and then send them in to recycling companies who will pay out money for them.

The more you send in, the more money you are going to be able to make. Even if it was only once or twice you would have still earned money. This way you can get cash back for your unused and not wanted poor mobile phone. It gets a new lease of life and you've helped yourself also. I am sure you could do with the extra money to pay some bills off? Well this concept couldn't be easier and it's so simple and they pay out so fast!

For a list and review of the top mobile phone recycling sites visit us to see which one is best for you and your priorities. We also have a Mobile Phone Price Comparison Tool you can use to check how much your mobile phone is worth and compare the prices that companies are offering for it so you can get the most money!

Visit to see how much you can get for your old mobile phone and for reviews of mobile phone recycling websites you can use to sell your mobile phone online for cash paid out in days.

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Working in the mobile phone and advertising industry gives you knowledge on mobile phone stats of users in the world. Also with a solid interest in recycling and economics ables to provide information on recycling mobile phones for profit.
Tags:Mobile Phones, Cell Phones, Recycling, Selling, Cash, Money, Business
Industry:Communication, Telecom, Business
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