Top 10 Questions/Answers... "Does My Website Need A Makeover?"

s your current website not fulfilling all of your online marketing objectives? Whether it is added functionality, updated content, or a more sophisticated, elegant look and feel, it is the perfect time for a website makeover!
By: Mitch
Oct. 19, 2009 - PRLog -- Top 10 questions to ask yourself if a website redesign is needed for your website:

  1. Why do visitors currently come to my website?

  2. Is my website easy to navigate and is it easy to find information?

  3. Are my current website visitors being converted into sales?

  4. Are competitors' websites more functional and have they recently been redesigned?

  5. Does the content on my website deliver the right message?

  6. Is my website a good representation of my business?

  7. Does my current website instill trust and confidence in my business or brand?

  8. Am I easily able to update my website?

  9. Are visitors who come to my website being tracked and analyzed?

 10. Does my existing website make it easy for website visitors to contact me?

The bottom-line is: you need a website design that not only looks good, but generates conversions.

In today's climate it's not enough to merely have a website. Marketing studies prove that your website should be refined and improved on a regular basis in order to stay relevant. Many times the content on your website is great. However, it may lack the impact of a professionally designed website.

Don't waste your online opportunities with a site that is not performing up to your needs.

Contact Us today ( for an analysis on increasing your online presence with a full website re-design.

Successful website design is a well thought out process, not an artistic endeavor.

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