Financial Soultions: Indonesia appeals for financial aid in fight on climate change.

Island nation says it needs assistance to change from the 3rd largest carbon emitter.
Nov. 3, 2009 - PRLog -- Financial Soultions understands that the Indonesian environment minister recently appealed for more funds to assist law enforcement in dealing with illegal logging and pollution, in the hopes of cutting the emissions of one of the globes biggest greenhouse gas emitters.

After the U.S. and China, Indonesia ranks as the worlds 3rd biggest contributor to climate change, and the nation is seen as an integral component in the battle on climate change and stemming deforestation.

The Environment Minister did caution that he felt that the Copenhagen climate change conference in December was unlikely to reach a broader global agreement as there was a lack of compromise between key players.

"It seems to me that Copenhagen will not be a success. Each party is maintaining their position very strongly," Financial Soultions understands him as saying.

The decrease of deforestation, accounting for almost a fifth of greenhouse gas pollution, primarily by Indonesia, Brazil and tropical Africa is seen as a vital step in absorbing carbon dioxide emissions.

Addressing the Group of 20 (G20) nations recently, the Indonesian president said that his nation would cut its emissions by 26% by 2020, but that as much as 41% was possible with international funding and transfer of technology.

But to achieve that kind of reduction requires funding for effective law enforcement, the Environment Minister said," enforcement of the law, that is what we need to reach this 26%," adding, "we have civil guards that can directly arrest people found breaching the law and bring them to court but we have only 220 in the whole country. We want a total of 1,000 but we obviously can't do that on our current budget," Financial Soultions understands the minister as saying.

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