New Starters Kits give small businesses a free referral and time boost

Vue Consulting today launched two free training Starter Kits for small business owners and corporate managers. These free Starter Kits provide structured introductions to Vue Consulting’s two flagship learning experiences.
Nov. 15, 2009 - PRLog -- Business owners and managers seeking training options for their staff have limited opportunities to “try before you buy”.  In response, Vue Consulting today launched two free training Starter Kits for small business owners and corporate managers.  These free Starter Kits provide structured introductions to Vue Consulting’s two flagship learning experiences – By Referral, designed to help service businesses generate more referrals and In Time, designed to help service professionals improve personal effectiveness.  

“These new Starter Kits aren’t just generic papers.  They are genuine stand-alone mini-training experiences”, explained David King, Managing Director of Vue Consulting.  These Starter Kits have been released just in time for the Summer holiday season, which is often a quieter period for many professional services businesses.  Each Starter Kit takes around 2-3 weeks to implement and is tightly aligned with business improvement and planning, which many business owners are currently focussed on in the lead-in to 2010.

The By Referral Starter Kit includes information on Referral Slogans, Referral Signs, Referral "Seeds", ideas to thank customers for referrals and an overview of the six Foundations that make for a great referral process.  The Starter Kit includes many templates and examples.  “Many people feel that obtaining referrals from clients involves some form of unethical hard sales discussion, when it is actually a more relaxed and comfortable process”, David explained. “The By Referral Starter Kit gives participants many practical tools they can use immediately as well as a better understanding of how a true referral process may work in their business”.  

The In Time Starter Kit introduces a structured two week plan to slowly teach five core time management foundations, with integrated "experiments" and a time management system. It also includes tips and lessons on core time management practices as well as ideas for email, information flow, Calendars and more. “The In Time Starter Kit experience could be used by an individual seeking self-improvement or a Manager could take their entire team through the experience together”, said David. “As a team, participants could share successes and failures while the Manager can test participant interest in time management or personal effectiveness training”.

Both Starter Kits are available for immediate, free download at  

Press, media and members of the finance, law or accounting industries are able to next see David in action at the 2nd Davidson Recruitment Professional Services Forum in Brisbane on 17th November 2009.  Entitled “Winning Business By Referral”, over 160 seats have already been sold for this unique event which begins at 5:00 pm.  For more, please contact Vue Consulting (1300 176 711) or Davidson Recruitment (07 3023 1009).

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Since 2007, David King, and his firm Vue Consulting, has assisted many of Australia’s top Professional Services firms to find more referrals, more time and more success through his proven and practical training experiences.

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