Volunteer State College offers Ghost Hunting Classes to the public

Volunteer State College has signed on Tommy Golden of Middle Tennessee Ghost Chasers to put on two more Ghost Hunting sessions in the Spring and Summer semister.
By: Tommy Golden
Dec. 10, 2009 - PRLog -- Volunteer State College has signed on Tommy Golden of Middle Tennessee Ghost Chasers to put on two more Ghost Hunting sessions in the Spring and Summer semister. Tommy Golden is the current Director of Middle Tennessee Ghost Chasers located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Tommy Golden has been in the Paranormal Research field since 1999. After having a near death experience he began to research subjects such as Out of Body Experiences, EVP, Ghosts, Death and Dying, and many more. Tommy is the founder and director of Middle Tennessee Ghost Chasers located in Nashville, Tennessee.
Tommy is a co-author of the book "Ghost Hunting: The Scientific and Metaphysical Approach". This he co-wrote with Julia Coale as with Middle Tennessee Ghost Chasers. Unlike many intro or how to books this book is a reference to anyone that wants to know how the scientific and the metaphysical can work together.

Tommy has been seen of Paranormal Television Network and is the EVP analysis for the hit Canadian TV show "The Quest for Proof". Collecting direct proof that life continues after death via EVP is Tommy's long term goal. Some of Tommy's techniques have never been heard of or seen by the general public. Tommy’s work has been documented in numerous newspapers and magazines including the Nashville The Tennessean, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Oracle 20/20, Ghost Magazine and Southern Distinction.

Tommy also serves as an instructor at Volunteer State Community College teaching Ghost Hunting and EVP classes. These classes teach college students the ins and outs of the real paranormal community. .

Introduction to Ghost Hunting This class is a guide to ghost hunting. Participants
will gain basic skills and an understanding of investigations of ghosts, poltergeists,
haunted places, and related psychic experiences. Learn how the scientifi c and
psychic approaches can mesh together. Basic techniques of using an Electronic voice
Phenomena will be demonstrated.

For more info please visit the Volunteer State College website at   http://www.volstate.edu/ContinuingEd/Documents/Continuing... .

Ghst1-OEH301# $95 3 mtngs
Mon & Wed, 530-930PM, Mar 15 - Mar 22
Ghst1-OEH401# $95 3 mtngs
Mon & Wed, 530-930PM, Jun 7 - Jun 14

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Middle Tennessee Ghost Chasers promises to bring professionalism, personality, and confidentiality to each case we investigate. We understand that it is tough to call someone like us, and we respect your right to privacy.
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