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Follow on Google News | Tips Solving Clone R4 SDHC Stuck on the "Loading" Screen ProblemMany people found their R4 cards are stuck on the "Loading." screen when they first boot them up. Although they copied the firmware many times, it's still the same thing. It's because they probably have installed official R4 firmware on clone card.
By: ishopvideogame The first thing you need to do is to check the your R4's box. Clone R4 makers always like to list their own particular websites on the box. You will download your firmware from these sites. If your card doesn't come with a box, you can check which kind the R4 you have is. The clone makers use many different names to call their particular clone r4 cards, such as R4DS SDHC, R4-III, R4 Deluxe, R4 Advance, etc. These companies, or some of their sellers and users would like you to believe that they are official R4 Team, they aren't indeed. Every one uses a hacked firmware for a particular card. Using a firmware from one clone r4 sdhc on another usually results in a "This card is fake" message!So, you should make sure you're using the correct one. If not, you will have more problems again. There is only one suggestion I can make is to use YSMenu. YSMenu doesn't care whether you've got a real or a cloned R4DS and also offers much better compatibility and cheat support then either the official R4DS firmware or any of it's clones. It's easy to use YSMenu setup utility written by talented Maikel Steneker. What's more, YSMenu will make the unsure users life much easier. Many people complain that YSMenu looks "boring" in comparison to the R4DS firmware. Well, this might be true. But YSMenu offers a lot more than the official or cloned firmwares. It boils down to your own particular preference, and you would rather have better game and cheat compatibility (and more) or a pretty menu. To sum up, YSMenu is a much better choice for you unless you get a original R4i sdhc. # # # Source: We are sells video game accessories for games consoles and home computers at the latest unque and best priced. Ishopvideogame was launched in 2000, that provides a channel for small End
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