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Follow on Google News | Best Flashcards for NTSC Format DSi Console With DSi Firmware 1.4 vs 1.5Here is a sum-up for best flashcards used for NTSC DSi with the latest firmware. You can have a look if you need to buy flashcards now. Just for consideration.
By: ishopvideogame 1)Acekard 2i. It's well-know that the AKAIO team makes the card worth every penny. AceKards rely on using a DS Lite/Phat, or a DSi that hasn't already been updated. Seeing as you can borrow a DS lite, you should have no trouble updating. Just drop the AceKard DS lite specified update file (I believe you can get it here, if not just go to the AceKard official website) on you're memory card, and run it through the AceKard and it will update. The main features of Acekard are as follows: #lightly cheaper #Games fixes are often worked out faster #Better home-brew support AKAIO (alternate firmware, recommended) 2)Super card DSOnei 3)Super card DS Two (Possibly, but its not released yet.) 4)M3i Zero. The M3 series in general is just plain reliable.It's got bricking insurance with that usb cable. What's more, the M3 (provided you use the Sakura firmware, available in the downloads section) has an incredibly nice GUI, based off the popular home-brew Moon-shell. (A multimedia player) So it is essentially the same control scheme as an i Pod touch or i Phone, and can play Music and (DPG encoded) videos right off the bat. The main features of MSi Zero are as follows: M3i Zero: #Much nicer GUI (Using M3 Sakura, the alternate, and more popular firmware) #More features (slow-motion, and real time save being the prominent ones) #Easier to update (through USB cable) # # # We are sells video game accessories for games consoles and home computers at the latest unque and best priced. Ishopvideogame was launched in 2000, that provides a channel for small End
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