Qubrix - a new 3D problem solving game

VRInternal 3D interactive has released an innovative 3D puzzle. The game exploits advantage of 3D software technology to present a problem similar to the one found in Rubik's Cube and introduces an original approach to 3D puzzle games.
By: Zlatomir Zarkov
Jan. 12, 2010 - PRLog -- Problem solving game, Qubrix, requires excellent sense of orientation in 3D space and can be used as a tool to train or test that sense. Basic level consists of a set of nine cubes enclosed in a frame, each cube is geared to adjacents so when the player rotates chosen one particular near by cubes are rotating, also. Cubes are texturized with six different images, a slice for each side of the cube. At the beginning of the game, in a random manner, enclosing frame is also texturized with one of those images and cubes were given a random orientation. Point of the game is to put required image together, as fast as possible, by rotating cubes.

Qubrix is based on ISO standard Web3D technology and uses Bitmanagement's Contact, Web3D player (plug-in), that makes it available for various OS/Browser platforms, including mobile.

Being designed as a casual, online game Qubrix allows players to play with almost any images found on the Web. Also, original game play offers a lot of possibilities for further development and customization. Game can be embeded into a Web page, used inside a virtual world as an addition for 3D chat places or as a part of some larger project.

Qubrix - 3D puzzle, web page.

Virtual Milano - Piazza del Duomo, 3D chat world with Qubrix console.

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VRInternal 3D interactive is Web3D content provider, specialized in
VR applications for entertainment, architecture, education and advertizing.
Source:Zlatomir Zarkov
Email:***@vrinternal.com Email Verified
Tags:3d Games, 3d Puzzle, Orientation, Problem Solving
Industry:Entertainment, Games
Location:Pancevo - Serbia - Serbia
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Page Updated Last on: Jan 14, 2010

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