Kevin Trudeau On The Forefront Of The First Amendment!!

If you haven't seen the news lately, especially the Chicago Tribune, go to the store and get the newspaper or go to their website. A major battle is erupting over the First Amendment. Also...
By: *GIN*
Feb. 20, 2010 - PRLog -- If you haven't read or seen the news lately, there is a major First Amendment battle going on between a major New York Times Best Selling Author (Kevin Trudeau) and the courts. It seems to many people that Kevin Trudeau is digging himself deeper into the ground after this one... but is that really the case?

  After being in jail for 2 years and being convicted of a felony years ago, Kevin Trudeau has been at an all-time high for selling books. His most controversial of late is "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You To Know About" and it's the reason why all of the court proceedings have begun in the first place.

 Again, to some, Mr. Trudeau may seem to be hiding behind the camera's, passing a shy cheek not to be noticed and wishing this whole ordeal would end. But Interestingly enough, just the opposite may be true. Kevin Trudeau is in his prime and all of this is just pushing him more into the spotlight making him more popular than ever. Not only that, If you go to Kevin's website at, you will see that he is not hiding at all. In fact, he wants to be seen and heard because what is happening to him now, may just affect all of us pretty soon. All the while Mr. Trudeau is looking at another 30 days in jail, he is also looking to appeal. And he may just win.

One of the biggest accomplishments that is in Kevin's portfolio is something very new and totally ground floor with less than a year from birth... It is something that the majority of Americans have not even seen or recognized yet. Kevin Trudeau and many of his undisclosed colleagues have formed a foundation of highly influential, knowledgeable and very successful individuals among the common man. This foundation is called The Global Information Network. The foundation was formed to give the average person the real truth behind the "how to" become successful and become blissfully happy no matter what the circumstances. One of the best parts about GIN is it has some major economic advantages for those who wish to make money, and lots of it. Those who have joined as members have nothing but incredibly sincere and good things to say about GIN and Kevin Trudeau... not to mention the amount of money that most members are making. The information GIN gives to its members isn't to shabby either.

 On the GIN website (, they state that what GIN really offers individuals who are not in the elite class is a chance... a chance to become truly successful. A chance that you can be someone that can have, be or do anything and everything you want. And GIN can virtually guarantee the success of it's members. It may seem like a tall order, however, if you happen to speak to someone about GIN, or better yet someone who is in GIN... You, yourself may also become a member of GIN in a very short while. There is only one catch to joining GIN as a member... Well, two actually. The first, is you must be invited into GIN to join... It is open to the public, however, you do need an invitation code to join. And the second, you must be teachable. If you are not sure what that really means, find someone who is a member, get their invitation code and then you'll see what it takes to become the best of the best.

So, again I ask the question. Is Kevin Trudeau really hiding, closing the door, or keeping himself away?  I would say to really find out... just take five minutes and surf the web and you'll see the real truth behind this powerfully unique and awesome individual. Instead of just going to or reading one side of the story... Check out other websites including Kevin Trudeau's. You'll be amazed at what you will find.

 By the way, an Invitation code for GIN is the word: BELIEVE. If you don't BELIEVE me, try it...  and may you never be the same.

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The Global Information Network (GIN) is a private exclusive member-only global association of individuals dedicated to achieving financial independence, wealth creation, dynamic health, and emotional well-being.

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