Feb. 17, 2010 -
PRLog -- James Charlet the COO of Financial Relief Experts has recently unveiled its new TDRI, or Tactical Debt Reduction Initiative, which is their new client debt reduction system. Backed by expert analysis and legal expertise, the new TDRI is a light year ahead of the competition in terms of increased customer service and settlement tracking. "The TDRI will allow us to help more people reach their goals in becoming debt free in this tough financial economy." said Simon Webster who is the CEO of this fast rising company. Financial Relief Experts was originally founded in 2007 and has grown from 3 clients per month to over 500+. Debt settlement has risen in popularity since 2004, despite the bad apples who have given the industry a bad name. Despite the industry blanketing by popular business reviews, Financial Relief Experts has had no consumer or business complaints in its history. "I think that our emphasis on customer service and our results oriented mentality are what drives us to do well." said Justynn Royal, who is the Executive Vice President. He also added that "good people get in tough spots sometimes, and that's why we are here to help." Financial Relief Experts can be reached by their website www.financialreliefexperts.com or by phone at 877-477-9321 for a no obligation consultation
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We specialize in Financial Education, Debt Reduction and Credit Restoration. We are a family company that makes sure that our clients needs and best interests come first!