Book talk on "No One Asked Us..." at Orlando Public Library

Join Dr. Joyce Hamilton Henry at the Orlando Public Library at 2pm on March 13th as she discusses the under-representation of African Americans and Latinos on boards and commissions.
March 9, 2010 - PRLog -- "No One Asked Us: The Under-representation of African Americans and Latinos on Local Boards and Commissions" written by Dr. Joyce Hamilton Henry, documents how individual and institutional barriers, including racism, limit ethnic minority representation in civic affairs. No One Asked Us offers strategies to engage African-Americans and Latinos in the civic and political life of their community.

"We cannot be complacent because we have a few people in leadership. People of color are underrepresented in government. Lack of information and institutional racism are among the barriers that exclude African Americans and Latinos from serving on governance bodies. We must encourage a pool of eligible candidates to serve, " said Dr. Hamilton Henry.

Joyce Hamilton Henry has a Master's in Social Work from the University of Connecticut, and a Ph. D. in Social Policy from Brandeis University. Dr. Hamilton Henry has worked with local and state governments, non-profits, academia, ethnic and faith-based groups to engage African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Pacific Americans in the civic life of their community.

No One Asked Us is published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, and is available on and at Barnes and Noble.

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