Now Offering Herbal Body Wrap Spa and Salon Certification

Life Force online retailer announced today that they are now offering professional level certification for spas, salons, and estheticians who wish to offer seaweed herbal body wraps.
March 23, 2010 - PRLog -- Elizabethtown, PA-March 23, 2010 – While the term “body wrap” may conjure up images of mummies to some, for those in the salon and spa industry the term has them seeing green—and lots of it.  Unfortunately, along with the added income is usually a large financial commitment to training staff and buying expensive accessories.  Life Force International member and online retailer is changing all that.  The company has announced a professional certification program that is tailored to the small- and medium-sized wellness business and also individuals who wish to be trained in giving body wraps.

Company spokesman Darryl Schlicher explained Tuesday, “We are so proud to be offering this service to spas, tanning salons, massage therapists, chiropractors, home health care workers, estheticians and more.  This is the perfect opportunity for businesses who thought offering body wraps was out of their price range or capacity to do.”

The concept of a body wrap has been used cosmetically for centuries, mostly for those trying to lose inches in each session.  But in recent years, body wraps—especially seaweed body wraps--have garnered attention for their therapeutic value as a potent detoxification method for the body.  LiquidWholeFood’s 4-hour course covers detoxification and wellness through body wrapping, guaranteed inch loss through body wraps, actual application of the Life Force International Herbal Body Wrap, and a 100-question certification test.  Applicants scoring 91% or higher on the test receive a certificate to display at their place of business.  Retesting is available for those scoring lower.

The price for the certification covers all supplies necessary to provide 24 body wraps at four clients per day, including little specialty items knows from experience the salon will use when offering a body wrap.  Schlicher noted that, “the minute our trainer walks out the door, the salon can give their very first wrap with complete confidence in the service and product they are offering to their customers.”

Further details about receiving certification for an individual or business can be at

# # # is a Life Force International independent member site for organic liquid vitamins, natural liquid supplements, and other natural liquid health supplements. They were the first liquid supplement retailer to accommodate vegetarian, vegan, diabetic, celiac, gluten-free, and gluten sensitive customers by providing prominent information about these areas on their product pages. Their business has received green office certification and national recognition for their business practices. The site offers a “Customer First” Certification Award open to all business industries. In March 2010, they opened up a professional certification program for individuals and businesses who wished to offer seaweed herbal body wraps as a business component. They serve the US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia markets with organic liquid vitamins and other organic and natural liquid supplements.
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