Understand The Common Condition Of Adolescent Acne.

This article looks at the common condition of adolescent acne, and what can you expect if you run into this condition.
By: Jumperoos
April 4, 2010 - PRLog -- If you are a teenager or adolescent, there is a pretty good chance that you have or have had some acne.  Statistically 8 in 10 teens have acne.  This is not something that just happens in the teen years either.  Many people continue to have acne into adulthood.
Acne is also very common.  It is considered a normal part of puberty.  However the knowledge of that isn’t enough to make it easy to look at a big zit on your face when going to the bathroom mirror.  So, what exactly is it and what can one do about it?
Acne is a skin condition that shows itself as different types of bumps on the skin.  The bumps can be whiteheads, pimples, blackheads and cysts.  Most teenaged acne is because this is when the hormonal changes are occurring at puberty.  Also, some may be genetic.  Chances are that if your parent had acne as a teen, you will have it too.  The great news for most people is that for most people, acne goes away at the end of their teen years.  In some instances though, it’s normal to have acne into adulthood but it is usually less severe.
The type of acne that most teenagers get is called acne vulgaris.  This is the most common type.  It usually will show up on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and upper back.  The hair follicles or pores that are contained within your skin contain oil glands.  These oil glands make and oil that lubricates hair and skin and is called sebum.  Usually the sebaceous glands produce the right amount of sebum.  When a teen’s body starts to mature and develop, hormones will stimulate these glands to make more sebum.  This will force the glands to become more active.  Pores will become clogged if there is too much sebum and too many dead skin cells.  Additionally, bacteria can get stuck inside these pores and multiply.  This causes swelling and redness which is the start of acne.
As much as acne is a normal part of teen life, it is often a very difficult thing for a youngster to deal with.  Embarrassment and shame are often part of the feelings when acne is happening.  Best thing is to understand that it is normal and a normal part of life and will go away eventually.
This article is brought to you by Jumperoos, your indoor playground for today's active kids. Visit us online at http://www.jumperoos.com

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