Rooster Comb Injections For Joint Pain - A New Dawn For Arthritis Patients?

Doctor Gordon Cameron is an expert in joint injections for pain relief. Join him as he explores the options including Rooster Comb Injections for arthritis in the knee, hip or shoulder joints.
By: Cameron Medical Limited
April 20, 2010 - PRLog -- Rooster comb injections is the description commonly used to describe the use of artificial synovial fluid injected into the joint to ease the pain and stiffness of arthritis.

The modern injections are all manufactured in a lab controlled biochemical process but the original versions were extracted from the combs of cockerels or roosters and the name has stuck. The formal term for this kind of injection treatment is viscosupplementation. "Visco" because the injected fluid is very thick, viscous and sticky  - and supplement because the idea is to boost the joints own remaining synovial lubrication fluid and improve the function of the joint.

Despite advances over the years the name rooster comb injections has stuck.

Viscosupplement drugs are given by injection into the painful joint. Sometimes one injection is needed, sometimes three or more at regular intervals. Not all patients benefit but those that do tend to see a big improvement over the months after injection.

Some patients treated with these injections suffer an initial joint pain flare reaction but this will settle quickly with rest and the application of an ice pack to the joint in question. If benefit happens then most people see good relief of pain and stiffness that can last for a year or more. Some have even had their names removed from surgery waiting lists - having previously thought they were headed for joint replacement surgery.

In previous years doctors believed that the "rooster comb injections" were simply adding lubrication to the stiff and dry arthritic joint but recent research suggests that there may be more going on than that.

You can read more about viscosupplement injections and other joint injection treatments on Doctor Cameron's site at

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Doctor Gordon Cameron is an expert in joint injections for treating pain or arthritis. You can find out more about how a joint injection works and get great tips and advice about arthritis pain relief.
Will a joint injection ease your joint pain .... ?

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