Synchronicity, The Trickster, Science and Myth on ISIS Paranormal Radio

A show on myth, science, the trickster and synchronicity you won’t want to miss! Tune in this Sunday for a discussion with Professor Allan Combs about the book: Synchronicity: Through the Eyes of Science, Myth, and the Trickster.
May 22, 2010 - PRLog -- Have you ever experienced two or more events that are seemingly connected and you can’t explain why such events are occurring?  Do you wonder if something you would normally call coincidence is really something more than mere chance?  On May 23rd at 6 PM Eastern time, you are invited to find out more about synchronistic events as you tune in to the live stream broadcast on ISIS Paranormal Radio at:

About Allan Combs

Co-hosts Dayna Winters and Patricia Gardner will be interviewing Professor Allan Combs about the subject of synchronicity.  Professor Combs is from the California Institute of Integral Studies and teaches Transformative Studies.  He has an extensive background in systems science, consciousness and neuropsychology.  He has authored more than one-hundred articles, books, and chapters and his books include Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences, Consciousness Explained Better, Living the Integral Life; Changing Visions: Human Cognitive Maps Past, Present, and Future, Mind in Time: The Dynamics of Thought, Reality, and Consciousness, Nonlinear Dynamics in Human Behavior, Synchronicity: Through the Eyes of Science, Myth, and the Trickster, The Radiance of Being : Understanding the Grand Integral Vision , and other works.

On Sunday evening the discussion will involve topics such as mechanistic science, the holographic world, morphic fields, holomovement, the role of myth and the Trickster god archetype in sychronistic events, and more.  You can learn about what types of synchronistic events are most common, some theories that might explain why such events happen, and the role science has had in trivializing such events.
Learn more about Allan Combs on:

More on IPR

Tune into ISIS Paranormal Radio each Sunday evening at 6 PM Eastern time.  Don’t miss out on the Saturday night special episodes offered too.  Even if you happen to miss an episode, the shows are archived and accessible for free download to a personal computer.  You can also download the show through iTunes too.  Just look for the ISIS Paranormal Radio show podcasts in your iTunes search field!  For full details about upcoming events and guests, visit the ISIS Paranormal Radio Show official page at:

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Dayna Winters and Patricia Gardner are now the co-hosts of ISIS Paranormal Radio as we journey into the world of magick, into the realm of the unexplained, into paranormal dimensions!
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