New Product Line added to LightForTherapy

We at are happy to announce our added product lines to help individuals help to clean up there bodies with our gentle detox kits and protocols.
By: Kevin Sullivan
May 29, 2010 - PRLog -- We are happy to announce a way to possibly help our bodies reduce some of the 'crud and toxins' that are in our bodies by using the JefTech Detox Protocols. How You Got Here was determined by what you ate, drank, washed with and were exposed to over the course of your life. In short, some of these things were your choice and others were foisted upon you, with or without your knowledge. The good news is that we can show you how to possibly remove toxins and other baggage in a relatively short period of time.  It will take longer for deeper rooted issues, but make no mistake, it CAN be done.

JefTech LED Detoxification Protocol

The LED machines on the and the website's are not just powered by standard voltage means, but are also strobe at specific proprietary healing frequencies.

Jef Harvey designed this protocol based on the fact that LED units have been proven to increase RNA-DNA synthesis, increase phagocyte cleanup activity, increase the formation of new capillaries, modulate the cristae within the mitochondria to thereby stimulate ATP release, stimulate cytochrome oxidase and stimulate fibroblast activity which is important for connective tissue and collagen formation.

This protocol can be used to begin a gentle detox prior to commencement of the Dr CellTox All Systems Cellular Level Detox. By stimulating the elimination organs and the liver and kidneys first, and then the lymph nodes and other energy centers second, the lymph flow of these elimination channels can be more than doubled.

In addition to being able to begin in a gentle detox, this protocol can also be used to reduce the Herxheimer reaction of a more aggressive detoxification protocol. The Herxheimer reaction is best described as the almost flu-like symptoms that sometimes include nausea, headache and even diarrhea that accompany more aggressive detoxifications. The Herxheimer reaction is nothing more than your body signaling you that it is attempting to eliminate at a higher rate than it can actually process the toxins and dead cells from the die off of parasites and diseased cells that are being eliminated.

By utilizing the LEDs on the and the website's, the Herxheimer reaction is dramatically reduced when the elimination channels more than double their processing power.

The order is important so that the elimination organs are stimulated first to increase their processing rate before being sent a larger volume to process.
Set the power on the NOVA LED unit to the desired level. Most prefer to begin on low power. Place the NOVA LED unit over the following locations for 3-9 minutes on each location and in the following order.

1. Liver
2. Left kidney
3. Right kidney
4. Lymph nodes at the bottom of the scrotum or groin area
5. between bellybutton and reproductive organ
6. Solar plexus
7. between breasts, level with the heart
8. Lymph nodes above each breast on the breastplate
9. Lymph nodes under each side of the jaw just above the Adam's apple
10. between the eyebrows
11. The crown of the head
12. under each armpit

If there are time constraints, the abbreviated protocol below can be used to save time. 1 min/location.
1. Liver
2. Left kidney
3. Right kidney
4. Lymph nodes at the bottom of the scrotum or crotch area
5. Lymph nodes above each breast on the breastplate
6. Lymph nodes on each side of the jaw just above the Adam's apple
7. under each armpit

Copyright 2009-2010

Jeff Harvey

All rights Reserved Without Prejudice

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About Light therapy combined w/ sound therapy that helps human & animal body to reduce pain&stress w/out needles or pills in the comfort of your own home. We are concerned w/everyone's health & budgets & believe that we have soltuions to the health care crisis.
Source:Kevin Sullivan
Email:*** Email Verified
Tags:Light Therapy, Light For Therapy, Detox, Lyme, Lyme Disease, Lightsoundtechnology, Light And Sound Therapy, Wellness
Industry:Alternative health, Detox
Location:Fort Collins - Colorado - United States
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Page Updated Last on: Aug 22, 2010 PRs
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