Losing your job can be the best thing that ever happened to you!

Sometimes change--even unwanted change--leads to good things. According to Dr. Carrell Chadwell, this may be your opportunity to find a NEW career that you will like even better than the one you lost.
June 4, 2010 - PRLog -- Dr. Carrell Chadwell (www.drchadwell.com), a psychologist with over 30 years experience in helping people with career issues, states, “A few lucky people love what they do for a living.  Most of us range somewhere between liking what we do, and hating what we do.”   Most people, she explains, end up in careers pretty much hit or miss.

“They have a general idea of what they want to do, based on both specific and vague ideas of what they like, what is expected of them and what they expect of themselves, and what is available.  Sometimes that works out fine, and they find their way into a satisfying career.  But too often, they never chance into a job that truly fits them.”

Even if you are one of the lucky people who found a job you really loved, and now you have lost it, she insists that losing that job is not the end of the world.  There are other jobs, and other careers out there that you can enjoy as much or more.

The key to finding a great new career is UNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU NEED IN A JOB FOR IT TO REALLY FIT YOU.

In her new book, Changing Careers in a Changing World, Dr. Chadwell outlines a step by step process for thoroughly analyzing yourself—YOUR interests, YOUR personality, YOUR strengths and weaknesses, YOUR abilities, and YOUR values—to determine exact criteria for what you need in a career in order to love it.  Then, by analyzing the occupations available in the labor market, you can identify those jobs that fit your needs and prepare yourself for a new career that will be deeply satisfying.

Even in today’s difficult economic times, the chances of finding a rewarding new career are very good, if you know clearly what you are looking for, and know the strategies for finding the jobs that will fit you.

“It is important to be flexible,” Dr. Chadwell emphasizes.  “You have to open up your mind to new possibilities, be prepared for change, and take a positive view.  But if you take the right steps, your future may be brighter than you imagine!”


Dr. Chadwell is a licensed psychologist with specialized training in career assessment and counseling.  In more than 30 years of practice, she has helped hundreds of clients find the right career, and helped companies find the right employees.  In her book, Changing Careers in a Changing World, she brings that expertise to you.

“Changing Careers in a Changing World has ALL the information in one place that I use when doing vocational counseling. It provides a step-by-step guide to deciding what work makes you happy.  Then it tutors you through the requirements to get that perfect job even in our difficult economy.  This book has all you need!” –Ione Heartsill, Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor

Changing Careers in a Changing World (ISBN 978-0-9841413-1-9) is available through www.drchadwell.com, www.amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and other distributors.

For more details, visit   http://www.drchadwell.com .

Media contact:
Dr. Carrell Chadwell
Phone 214-755-3600

Dr. Carrell Chadwell

Dr. Chadwell is a licensed psychologist with specialized training in career assessment and counseling.  In more than 30 years of practice, she has helped hundreds of clients find the right career, and helped companies find the right employees.

She has worked with adults over the lifespan of career and retirement, from first job to long term eldercare.  Based on years of education and experience, she has a strong understanding of the needs of each segment of an individual’s working and retirement life.

As a psychologist, as well as a career specialist, she can speak authoritatively on the psychological elements of career and retirement.

In addition to one-on-one counseling, she has developed and conducted workshops on developing people skills, stress management, diversity, and other work-related topics.

Her work experiences include:

•  Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, helping disabled people get back into the workforce;
•  Associate Professor of Mental Health at the University of Southern Colorado;
•  Clinical Assistant Professor at Southwestern Medical School, Department of Rehabilitation Science in Dallas;
•  Psychologist and Vocational Specialist at the Dallas Veterans Administration Medical Center;
•  Vocational Economic Analyst, testifying in court regarding the financial impact of disability on an individual’s ability to work and earn money;
•  Psychologist in private practice, providing psychological and career counseling to adults; and
•  Psychologist in long term care facilities, providing psychological services to older adults.

Dr. Chadwell is the author of Changing Careers in a Changing World, available in both print and e-book form.  She is now working on a series of books designed to distill and disseminate the knowledge she has acquired through years of working with adults on career and retirement issues. Her works in progress include a version of Changing Careers in a Changing World geared to entry workers; a book addressing the emotional impact of job loss and how to cope with it; and a book on retirement planning and long term care planning.


Suggested Questions for Dr. Carrell Chadwell, author of
Changing Careers in a Changing World

1.    Why do you say that “losing your job might be the best thing that has ever happened to you?”

2.    What good things could come from losing your job?

3.    What 3 things do you need to do to find another job?

4.    What are the 3 factors that determine whether a job will be a good fit?

5.    In today’s labor market, how do you find the jobs that fit your needs?

6.    Is there really any such thing as recession-proof jobs?

7.    What if you’re in a very specialized field that has dried up?

8.    When you’re totally changing careers, how do you reposition yourself?

9.    What should older workers do to compete in this labor market?

10.  Losing your job can be pretty devastating.  How do you cope with that?

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Chadwell & Associates, Inc. publishes books and other materials authored by Dr. Carrell Chadwell. Dr. Chadwell is a psychologist specializing in career and retirement issues.

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