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Follow on Google News | Past Lives, ETs, Star Seeds and WanderersSome people have the impression that have lived in other worlds. Using a variation of past life regression techniques can help these people recover memories as well as additional information.
By: Good Vibes Hypnosis If you think back in the history of the world, there was a time when most people believed the world was flat, and if you got too close to the edge you might fall off the earth. Then came people who questioned those ideas and they discovered that the earth is not flat, but round, and you would not 'fall off' if you went too far. There are those who accept the fact that chances are high that there is life on other worlds, but many of them dismiss the notion that they would come here to visit. Others think there is no chance that life exists anywhere else, that we are the only planet that has life on it. Then there are those who believe in life on other planets, and that perhaps there are some of those beings here on earth already, either blending in as they appear to be human, or hiding out so they will not be discovered. These stories are typically dismissed as conspiracy theory or the people who bring them up are considered crazy by many people. Most information about these extra terrestrials living or visiting on earth and stories about people being 'abducted' by aliens tend to paint a negative and scary picture. But what if they were here and they did not mean any harm, what if they were here to help, and we all know with everything going on in the world today, we really could use some help! OK, so where is this going, what is the point of this article? Following the work of Dolores Cannon, a past life regression therapist who has also spent many years working with people who claim to have seen UFOs and other who have been 'abducted' by extra terrestrials, many of her students around the world have also began exploring these ideas in their work with clients who may call inquiring about past life regression or even ask if they can uncover memories they feel may be related to contact with other worlds or beings from other planets. Mark Johnson, a clinical hypnotherapist from Dallas, Texas who specializes in Past Life Regression commented, "When I finished my initial hypnosis training with Bette Epstein at Heartsong Hypnotherapy in Dallas, Texas, I decided I needed some practice. So I sent an email to all of my friends with a long list of issues I was prepared to help them resolve. One friend called me and asked if we could help her recover memories she had of being abducted by aliens. She said these were vivid memories she had from around the age of 4 on up to her adult life." Knowing this woman was very religious, it kind of took him by surprise that she would ask about this. They ended up exploring the memories she had stored away in her subconscious mind over multiple sessions at her home and when they were thru she commented that the had thought she had vivid recollections before her sessions, but afterwards, they paled in comparison to the information she received during her hypnosis sessions. "This type of regression is what we call age regression, and involves recovering memories from an earlier time in your current life," commented Johnson. "Some of the processes are similar to past life regression, though there are differences as well," he continued. "After studying with Dolores Cannon and working with numerous past life regression clients, I began to receive calls from people who had memories of encounters with extra terrestrials as well as memories of living in other worlds," Johnson added. There seem to be a lot of people who connect with things they read, and begin to wonder if they have lived in other worlds. The Life Between Lives work of Dr. Michael Newton includes references to what he calls hybrid souls, which are people who are now incarnating on earth but had incarnated in other worlds before they came to earth. "I was first introduced to the concept of what Michael calls hybrid souls when I took my initial Life Between Lives training with Dr. Newton and the staff of the Michael Newton Institute," Johnson said. "I had some life between lives clients tell me they had lived on other worlds, but it was not until I was doing the work I learned from Dolores Cannon that these star seeds, wanderers and 'experiencers' as they prefer to be known these days (as opposed to abductees) began to seek me out to help them discover more details about the information they had been accessing." These people tend to have a lot of questions and many times they are reluctant to discuss their thoughts and feelings for fear of being ridiculed or even cast out by their family or friends for talking about such things. There are many who believe there are big changes in store for the planet earth and those who live here that are coming very soon, and some believe that these starseeds, the wonderers, the extra terrestrials, and perhaps others are here to help assist both the planet and the inhabitants in moving through the changes and coming out better on the other side of these changes that are already in motion. Mark created his Past Life Regression webpage, # # # About Good Vibes Hypnosis: Mark V Johnson of Good Vibes Hypnosis is a Second Generation Hypnotherapist who specializes in Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression in his office in Dallas, Texas. Mark V Johnson Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist American Council of Hypnotist Examiners National Guide of Hypnotists Michael Newton Institute of Spiritual Regression Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas End
Page Updated Last on: Apr 12, 2011